The Critical Zone Observatory Research Experience for Undergraduates and Research Experience for Teachers program participants traveled to Shepherdstown, West Virginia to present their research at the Consortium of Universities for the Advancement of Hydrologic Science, Inc. (CUAHSI) Biennial Meeting.
Research project poster by Christina River Basin CZO RET Melissa Hess and REU Bryce Hostetler.
The theme of this year’s meeting was
Water Across the Critical Zone: From Local to Global Hydrology.
The presentations marked the culmination of this summer's CZO REU/RET program. The goal of the program is to teach participants how to pursue collaborative, interdisciplinary research in order to better understand the interconnectedness of Critical Zone processes.
Click on the links to view a PDF of each poster.
Christina River Basin CZO Presentations:
Melissa Hess (RET, Conestoga Valley Middle School, Lancaster, Pa.): Application of Environmental DNA in a Middle School Classroom
Bryce Hostelter (REU, Bethel College): Optimization of qPCR Techniques to Determine Environmental DNA Transport in Stream Systems
Eric Lunn (REU, University of Massachusetts Amherst): Impact of Mineral Weathering and Organic Matter on Soil Water Retention
Sam Mark (REU, Bates College): Fine-Grained Channel Margin Deposits Form by Recirculating Flow Downstream of Woody Debris in a Laboratory Flume
Jennifer Schoenstein (REU, University of Delaware): Thermal Dynamics and Transient Storage in a Spring-fed Forested Headwater Stream, Southeastern PA, USA
Abigail Thayer (REU, Ohio Northern University): Evaluation of an in situ UV-Vis spectrophotometer for high frequency measurements of dissolved organic carbon and nitrate concentrations
Susquehanna Shale Hills CZO Presentations:
Olivia Beaulieu (REU, University of Massachusetts Amherst): Soil Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity and Its Spatial Variability in the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
Jessica Fisher (REU, Brown University): Lithologic and Land-use Controls on Stream Water Solute Concentration-Discharge Behavior in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Observatory (SSHCZO)
Quincey Johnson (REU, Hobart and William Smith Colleges): Comparing Vegetation Across Topographic Positions in Two Watersheds at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
Christine Kim (REU, Temple University): Comparing carbon stocks in the O horizon of shale and sandstone watersheds according to topographic position and ecosystem characteristics
Paul Longwell (RET, Hollidaysburg Area High School): Monitoring Temperate Forest Soil Moisture Dynamics Using Ground-Penetrating Radar
Kim Schmid (REU, The Pennsylvania State University): Predicting the Presence of Headwater Wetland Depressions, Valley and Ridge Physiographic Province, Central Pennsylvania
Mieke Vrjimoet (REU, Bennington College): Does Root Morphology and Architecture Reflect Aboveground Species Composition?
Mark Yeckley (RET, Glendale School District): Dendrology, Forest Ecology, and Data Analysis in the STEM-Centered Classroom