Meeting Report
At this NSF-sponsored workshop, we will assess the current state of Critical Zone science and consider how the next iteration of a Critical Zone science program can address key scientific, societal and educational questions about the Critical Zone. The theme is "Critical Zone Science: Current Advances and Future Opportunities."
Wide Range of Participants: We seek participants from the current NSF Critical Zone Observatory program and from international Critical Zone science initiatives. Further, we especially seek participants from those with experience in other environmental science observing networks and researchers with interest in Critical Zone science who have not been formally associated with the CZO program. Early career scientists are strongly encouraged to participate, and there will be a series of short talks and posters where developing CZ science can be presented. We anticipate additional participants from government agencies and nongovernmental organizations who are interested in the future of Earth's surface environment.
200 Participant Meeting Capacity: We will make every effort to accommodate a wide spectrum of scientists interested in the Critical Zone.
Convenient Location: The meeting will be held at the Hilton Arlington Hotel, next to NSF offices and adjacent to the Ballston Metro station.
Free On-Site Support: No fees. We anticipate NSF support will cover on-site costs: registration, abstract submittal, shared room, and meals. Meeting capacity is 200 participants.
Shared Room for Two Nights: Sunday and Monday nights. If you have a roommate preference, please email us their name and cc them on the email. Single rooms are not available. For a single room, you will need to make a reservation at the hotel of your choosing and cover this cost (no reimbursement).
Hotel roommates. All participants (except those that have already informed us of other circumstances/arrangements) have been included in the hotel block at the Hilton Arlington with a requested or assigned roommate. At hotel check-in on Sunday (3-7 PM), please mention you are with the CZO meeting.
Limited Travel Support: Limited funds are available to partially offset travel costs for some participants. We will give preference to students and early career scientists in distributing these funds.
Meals: The meeting will provide meals on Monday (breakfast, lunch, and dinner) and most of Tuesday (breakfast and lunch).
Schedule: Sunday June 4th - 7:00pm plenary address and icebreaker reception. Monday June 5th - sessions. Tuesday June 6th - sessions. Meeting ending by 5:00 pm on Tuesday.
Abstract submittal is optional: We will fit in as many presentations as we can; most will be posters. Abstract text is limited to 2000 characters, including spaces.
Poster size: Posters should fit an easel 4ft wide x 3ft tall (1.2m wide x 0.9m tall).
Contact: Email CriticalZoneOrg@gmail.com
1) What are the most important fundamental and societally relevant Critical Zone science challenges?
2) What research framework (observatories and/or other approaches) is required to address these challenges?
All events at the Hilton Arlington, next to NSF offices and adjacent to the Ballston Metro station.
Sunday June 4th
3:00 pm - Meeting check in at Hilton Arlington, Ballston lounge (early) or Gallery ballroom (later)
- check in runs from 3:00-7:00pm
- pick up badge, etc.
- dinner on your own (not provided)
7:00 pm - Plenary address
8:00 pm - Icebreaker reception
9:30 pm - End of day
Monday June 5th
7:00 am - Check in and breakfast buffet (provided), outside Gallery ballroom
8:00 am - Introductions
8:20 am - Scientific talks I
9:45 am - Coffee break
12:00 pm - Working lunch (provided)
1:00 pm - Scientific talks II
2:20 pm - Coffee break
2:30 pm - Breakout groups I
4:00 pm - Plenary discussion I
5:15 pm - POSTER SESSION II (incl. cash bar)
7:00 pm - Dinner (provided), after-dinner discussion with Richard Yuretich and other POs
9:00 pm - End of day
Tuesday June 6th
7:00 am - Check in and breakfast buffet (provided), outside Gallery ballroom
8:00 am - Scientific talks III - Invited session
9:00 am - Scientific talks IV
10:00 am - Coffee break
10:30 am - Plenary discussion II, CZ Futures
11:30 am - Scientific talks V
12:30 pm - Lunch (provided) and addresses from NSF speakers
2:00 pm - Breakout groups II
3:30 pm - Breakout reports II
4:00 pm - Writing teams
5:00 pm - End of Meeting. Thanks for coming!
Agenda 2017-06-03 (18-page PDF)
Program Committee Chair
Bill McDowell - Luquillo CZO and Univ. of New Hampshire (email)
Program Committee Members
Praveen Kumar, IML CZO and U. Illinois (email)
Jon Chorover, Jemez-Catalina CZO and U. Arizona (email)
Adam Wymore, Univ. of New Hampshire (email)
Pam Sullivan, Univ. of Kansas (email)
Louis Derry, CZO National Office, Cornell University (email)
Hilton Arlington
Images from multiple US NSF Critical Zone Observatories, highlighting the wide range of timescales that need to be considered.
Modified from Chorover, J., R. Kretzschmar, F. Garcia-Pichel, and D. L. Sparks. 2007. Soil biogeochemical processes in the critical zone. Elements 3, 321-326. (artwork by R. Kindlimann)
Agenda 2017-06-03
(1 MB pdf)
Agenda & Abstracts DRAFT 2017-06-05
(6 MB pdf)
Rough DRAFT version
Driving Directions
(2 MB pdf)