Professor of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences
Purdue - Purdue University
Granger's Purdue page
PhD, Geology and Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, 1997
Tectonic geomorphology, landscape evolution, cosmogenic nuclides applied to geomorphology and surficial processes, environmental geosciences.
Cosmogenic Nuclides in Weathering and Erosion. Granger, D.E. and Riebe, C.S. (2014): in Treatise on Geochemistry, Volume 5: Surface and Ground Water, Weathering, and Soils. (2nd edition): 401-436
Quantifying effects of deep and near-surface chemical erosion on cosmogenic nuclide buildup in soils, saprolite and sediment . Riebe, C.S., Granger D. E. (2013): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms. Cross-CZO
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Cosmogenic 10Be in quartz and magnetite:Using the same nuclide in multiple minerals to quantify differential weathering. Rogers, H. E.; Riebe, C. S.; Granger, D. E. (2013): American Geophysical Union, Fall Meeting 2013, abstract #H51B-1188