ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×

CART - 2013 Spring presentations


High school students from CART will present their SSCZO snow survey research

CART, 2555 Clovis Ave Clovis, CA 93612

Mentor Matt Meadows (SSCZO, left) works with students Chong (center) and Sergio (right) to weigh a core of snow. 

The spring 2013 cohort of CART students will present their research conducted at the SSCZO. Their project was designed to address needs for better information on water resources, especially the spatial variability of the snowpack. The six students worked with mentors Matt Meadows and Erin Stacy and CART teacher Steve Wilson to design and execute a research plan. They made two trips to the Providence Creek site to measure snow depth and snow density around trees.

Come see what they found at the CART Environmental presentations! The event will be at CART, on May 21, 2013, from 6-8 pm.

To learn the calculations, students measure snow water equivalent (SWE) in a classroom activity before heading out to the field. 

Mentor Matt Meadows (SSCZO, left) works with students Chong (center) and Sergio (right) to weigh a core of snow. 

To learn the calculations, students measure snow water equivalent (SWE) in a classroom activity before heading out to the field. 

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Outreach / Education Research



SSCZO - CART Spring 2013 student group

The Spring 2013 student group from the Center for Advanced Research and Technology (CART). Six students from CART designed and exectued a research project looking at differences in snow depth and density in relation to trees (including slope aspect, cardinal direction from tree trunk and tree canopy). The students learned how to use a federal snow sampler, and to dig a snow pit for refined snow density analysis. Two trips to the CZO Providence site offered the students onsite experience with CZO staff Matt Meadows and Erin Stacy and CART teacher Steve Wilson. Students will present final work in May. 

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