Geomorphology of the Shale Hills CZO. Credit:
The Shale Hills watershed and the larger Shaver Creek watershed has had 3 airborne lidar flights to date with the most recent flights at 0.5-m resolution to evaluate micro-topography and tree species identification. A terrestrial lidar survey was also conducted to characterize in detail the sub-canopy topography, and tree surveys (trees > 20 cm diameter) for species, biomass, crown height have been completed. Leaf Area Index (LAI), greenness index , microbial composition, distribution and soil CO2 flux are regularly carried out. Bedrock elevation surveys have been carried out with ground-penetrating radar and verified with rotary airdrilling and hand augering.
Measured geospatial data described above as well as data collected from public datasets (elevation, land cover, soils, geology) and derived products (slope, aspect, flow paths, watershed boundary) can be accessed through the SSHCZO data portal.
A complete suite of borehole logging was done at 3 locations to 17m. These include: (1) spectral gamma; (2) caliper- borehole diameter log to locate broken and fractured zone; (3) fluid resistivity- total dissolved solids in the water column (4) fluid temperature; (5) heat-pulse flowmeter- rate and direction of vertical flow in a borehole; and (6) optical tele-viewer for continuous, oriented, true-color 360o image of the borehole wall. Additionally hydraulic and tracer tests were done to estimate the effective hydraulic properties in all wells in the field.
Optical televiewer log from CZMW 1 (left) and CZMW 4 (right).
Gamma (left) and caliper (right) logs for the 4 valley floor wells, CZMW 1 (blue), CZMW 2 (green), CZMW 3 (yellow), and CZMW 4 (red).
Hillshade of Shale Hills from aerial lidar survey (December 2010).