Geomorphology is one of more than 16 discipline tags that we use to categorize and aggregate our interdisciplinary information within and across CZOs. Much of our information has been tagged with 2-3 disciplines.
16 People
STAFF, Field Manager, Outreach Coordinator
Equilibrium Cross Section of River Channels With Cohesive Erodible Banks. Francalanci, S., Lanzoni, S., Solari, L., and Papanicolaou, A.N. (2020): JGR Earth Surface
Critical Agents of Change at Earth’s Surface. Kumar, P., Herndon, E., and Richter D. (2020): Eos
A new dynamic wetness index (DWI) predicts soil moisture persistence and correlates with key indicators of surface soil geochemistry. Li, M., Foster, E.J., Le, P.V.V., Yan, Q., Stumpf, A., Hou, T., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wacha, K.M., Wilson, C.G., Wang, J., Kumar, P., and Filley, T. (2020): Geoderma
The impact of tillage row orientation on physical and chemical sediment enrichment. Wacha, K.M., Papanicolaou, A.N., Abban, B.K., Wilson, C.G., Giannopoulos, C.P., Hou, T., Filley, T.R., and Hatfield, J.L. (2020): Agrosystems, Geosciences, and Environment
Integrating Hydrodynamic Models and Satellite Images to Implement Erosion Control Measures and Track Changes Along Streambanks. Elhakeem, M., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Paleologos, E. (2019): Intelligent Human Systems Integration 2019
The Power of Environmental Observatories for Advancing Multidisciplinary Research, Outreach, and Decision Support: The Case of the Minnesota River Basin. Gran, K.B., Dolph, C., Baker, A., Bevis, M., Cho, S.J., Czuba, J.A., Dalzell, B., Danesh-Yazdi, M., Hansen, A.T., Kelly, S., Lang, Z., Schwenk, J., Belmont, P., Finlay, J.C., Kumar, P., Rabotyagov, S., Roehrig, G., Wilcock, P., and Foufoula-Georiou, E. (2019): Water Resources Research
Chapter 9: The Role of Management and Landscape on Aggregate Characteristics with the Soil Active Layer. Wacha, K.M., Hatfield, J.K., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Dold, C. (2019): Tools for Soil Management and Restoration: Strategies, Practices, and Future Challenges
Modeled Postglacial Landscape Evolution at the Southern Margin of the Laurentide Ice Sheet: Hydrological Connection of Uplands Controls the Pace and Style of Fluvial Network Expansion. Lai. J. and Anders, A.M. (2018): JGR Earth Surface
Historical Changes in Channel Network Extent and Channel Planform in an Intensively Managed Landscape: Natural Versus Human-Induced Effects. Rhoads, B.L., Lewis, Q.W., and Andresen, W. (2018): Geomorphology
Floodplains as a Source of Fine Sediment in Grazed Landscapes: Tracing the Source of Suspended Sediment in the Headwaters of a Intensively Managed Agricultural Landscape. Yu, M. and Rhoads, B.L. (2018): Geomorphology
Hydrogeomorphological differentiation between floodplains and terraces. Qina Yan, Toshiki Iwasaki, Andrew Stumpf, Patrick Belmont, Gary Parker, Praveen Kumar (2017): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
Hyporheic exchange controlled by dynamic hydrologic boundary conditions. Schmadel, N.M., Ward, A.S., Lowry, C.S., and Malzone, J.M. (2016): Geophysical Research Letters
Analyzing high resolution topography for advancing the understanding of mass and energy transfer through landscapes: A review. Passalacqua, P., Belmont, P., Staley, D.M., Simley, J.D., Arrowsmith, J.R., Bode, C.A., Crosby, C., DeLong, S.B., Glenn, N.F., Kelly, S.A., Lague, D., Sangireddy, H., Schaffrath, K., Tarboton, D.G., Wasklewicz, T., and Wheaton, J.M. (2015): Earth-Science Reviews 148: 174–193
Historical changes in channel network extent and channel planform in an intensively managed landscape: Natural versus human-induced effects. Rhoads, B.L., Lewis, Q.W., and Andresen, W. (2015): Geomorphology
Landscape-scale geomorphic change detection: Quantifying spatially variable uncertainty and circumventing legacy data issues. Schaffrath, K.R., Belmont, P, and Wheaton, J.M. (2015): Geomorphology 250: 334-348
A Model for Knickpoint Migration in First- and Second-order Streams. Bressan, F., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Abban, B. (2014): Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 4987–4996
The Agricultural BMP Handbook for Minnesota. Miller, T.P., Peterson, J.R., Lenhart, C.F., and Nomura, Y. (2012): Minnesota Department of Agricultural
A 1-D Morphodynamic Model for Rill Erosion. Papanicolaou, A.N., Sanford, J.T., Dermisis, D.C., and Mancilla, G.A. (2010): Water Resources Research, 46, W09541
In situ sensing to understand diel turbidity cycles, suspended solids, and nutrient transport in Clear Creek, Iowa. Loperfido, J.V., Just, C.L., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Schnoor, J.L. (2009): Water Resources Research 46:W06525
Soil quality in Clear Creek, IA: SOM loss and soil quality in the Clear Creek, IA, Experimental Watershed. Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., Abaci, O., Elhakeem, M., and Skopec, M. (2009): Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 116(1–4):14–26
Landscape change in an agricultural watershed in the US Midwest. Rayburn, A.P. and Schulte, L.A. (2009): Landscape and Urban Planning 93:123–141
Observations of soils at the hillslope scale in the Clear Creek watershed in Iowa, USA. Papanicolaou, A.N., Elhakeem, M., Wilson, C.G., Burras, C.L., and Oneal, B. (2008): Soil Survey Horizons 49:83–86
A sediment composite fingerprinting tool: A field-based quantification method of the sediment origin within a water environment — A pilot study. Papanicolaou, A.N., Abaci, O., and Theregowda, R.B. (2006): Iowa Department of Natural Resources
Quaternary landscapes in Iowa. Ruhe, R.V. (1969): Iowa State University Press, Ames, Iowa
09 Feb 2018 - Professor Thanos Papanicolaou is the 2018 recipient of the Hans Albert Einstein Award from the American Society for Civil Engineers (ASCE).
28 Nov 2015 - Head of Surface Water Hydrology & Hydraulics, Illinois State Water Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign