04 Dec 2015 - Taking the Pulse of the Earth's Surface Systems In September of 2014, Laurel Larsen (UC Berkley), Elizabeth Hajek (Penn State), and others...
28 Nov 2015 - Get a sense of the people and the work. Several members of the Intensively Managed Landscapes (IML) CZO are profiled here.
28 Nov 2015 - Associate Quaternary Geologist, Illinois State Geological Survey; Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign
28 Nov 2015 - Head of Surface Water Hydrology & Hydraulics, Illinois State Water Survey, Prairie Research Institute, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
13 Nov 2015 - A new study has shown that soil quality actually continued to decline until the 1980s and even now isn't back to pre-Dust Bowl levels.
04 Nov 2015 - This video portrays an artistic rendition of Critical Zone Observatory for Intensively Managed Landscapes (http://imlczo.org).
25 Aug 2015 - The Role of Runoff and Erosion on Soil Carbon Stocks: From Soilscapes to Landscapes instrument training short course Oct 20-21, Purdue University
17 Aug 2015 - Members of AGU and the Ecological Society of America came together in their first joint event to discuss opportunities for research collaboration.
31 Jul 2015 - Praveen Kumar will be recognized as a member of the new American Geophysical Union Class of Fellows at the AGU's Fall Meeting, San Francisco, Calif.
30 Jul 2015 - Purdue University will host a conference bringing together scientists from the U.S. and China to address global challenges involving the Earth's...
14 May 2015 - Researchers in the University of Illinois’s Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering are studying vulnerability across the Earth’s surface.