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Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
4 Publications
Anaerobic Oxidation of Methane in Tropical and Boreal Soils: Ecological Significance in Terrestrial Methane Cycling. Blazewicz, SJ, DG Petersen, MP Waldrop, MK Firestone (2012): Geophysical Research, Biogeosciences, V. 117: G02033
Effect of rainfall-induced soil geochemistry dynamics on grassland soil microbial communities. Cruz-Martínez, K, A Rosling, Y Zhang, M Song, GL Andersen, JF Banfield (2012): Applied Environmental Microbiology, V.78 (21):7587
Autonomous water sampling for long-term monitoring of trace metals in remote environments. Kim, H, JKB Bishop, TJ Wood, IY Fung (2012): Environmental Science & Technology, V.46 (20): 11220-11226
Rain, rock moisture dynamics, and the rapid response of perched groundwater in weathered, fractured argillite underlying a steep hillslope. Salve, R, DM Rempe, WE Dietrich (2012): Water Resources Research 48 (11)