CZO Research Groups
Partial migration alters population ecology and food chain length: evidence from a salmonid fish. Kelson, S. J., Power, M.E., Finlay, J.C., and S. M. Carlson (2020): Ecosphere 11 (2): e03044
Temporal dynamics of migration‐linked genetic variation are driven by streamflows and riverscape permeability. Kelson, S.J., Miller, M.R., Thompson, T.Q., O'Rourke, S.M. & Carlson, S.M. (2020): Molecular Ecology 29 (5): 870-885
2020 (In Press)
Tributary confluences are dynamic thermal refuges for a juvenile salmonid in a warming river network. Wang, T., Kelson, S.J., Greer, G., Thompson, S.E., and S.M. Carlson (2020): River Research and Applications
Do precipitation extremes drive growth and migration timing of a Pacific salmonid fish in Mediterranean‐climate streams?. Kelson, S.J. & Carlson, S.M. (2019): Ecosphere
Do genomics and sex predict migration in a partially migratory salmonid fish, Oncorhynchus mykiss?. Kelson, S.J., Miller, M.R., Thompson, T.Q., O'Rourke, S.M., & Carlson S.M. (2019): Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Evolutionary Ecology of Partial Migration: A Case Study from a Pacific Salmonid Fish, Oncorhynchus mykiss. Kelson, S.J. (2018): University of California, Berkeley
Redway, CA.