22 Nov 2016 - CZOs at AGU 2016: Agenda and award recipients
19 Sep 2016 - NSF CTEMPS will offer a one day-short course on the applications of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS’s) in earth sciences.
29 Jul 2016 - CZO seeks postdoc to answer fundamental questions about CZ architecture and hydrologic processes. Work involves data synthesis and building models.
24 Jul 2016 - AGU 2016 sessions related to CZ science. Submit your abstract by August 3.
27 May 2016 - Power spoke on 'Drought, floods, and alternate states of algal-based river food webs in the Thirsty Eel' at the 2016 SFS Annual Meeting.
21 Mar 2016 - The following is part nine in a series on the National Science Foundation's Critical Zone Observatories (CZO) Network.
18 Feb 2016 - Science isn’t generally considered an extreme sport, but you wouldn’t know that by watching researchers in the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory.