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Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
30 Publications
210Pb geochronology of flood events in large tropical river systems. Aalto, R. and Nittrouer, C. (2012): Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A (2012) 370, 2040–2074
NSF Proposal: EarthCube Domain End-User Workshop: Engaging the Critical Zone community to bridge “long tail” science with big data. Aufdenkampe, A.K.; Duffy, C.J.; Tucker, G.E. (2012): NSF Award #1252238 Cross-CZO National
Critical Zone Observatories (CZOs): Integrating measurements and models of Earth surface processes to improve prediction of landscape structure, function and evolution (Invited). Chorover J., Anderson S. P., Bales R. C., Duffy C., Scatena F. N., Sparks D. L., White T. (2012): Abstract GCS4A-05 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Talk) Cross-CZO National
Biological lability of streamwater fluorescent dissolved organic matter. Cory, Rose M. and L. A. Kaplan (2012): Limnology and Oceanography, 57(5):1347–1360
Within-storm and Seasonal Differences in Suspended Material Composition and Sources in White Clay Creek, USA. D.L. Karwan, A.K. Aufdenkampe, R. Aalto, J.D. Newbold, J.E. Pizzuto (2012): American Association of Geographers Annual Meeting, February 24-28, 2012
Testing the Soil Carbon Saturation Theory: Maximal Carbon Stabilization at Soil Organic Matter Stability as a Function of Organic Carbon Inputs. Feng, Wenting (2012): A Dissertation in Earth and Environmental Science, Presented to the Faculties of the University of Pennsylvania in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Testing the Soil Carbon Saturation Theory: Maximal Carbon Stabilization and Soil Organic Matter Stability as a Function of Organic Matter Inputs. Feng, Wenting (2012): A Dissertation in Earth and Environmental Science Presented to the Faculties of the University of Pennsylvania in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Creative Uses of Custom Electronics for Environmental Monitoring at the Christina River Basin CZO. Hicks, S., Aufdenkampe, A., and Montgomery, D. (2012): American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 3-7, 2012
Common Critical Zone Observatory Infrastructure and Measurements. J. Chorover, F.N. Scatena, T. White, S. Anderson, A.K. Aufdenkampe, R.C. Bales, S.L. Brantley, G. Tucker. (2012): A Guide Prepared By CZO PIs, September 27, 2012 Cross-CZO National
The Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory (CRB-CZO): Quantifying carbon sequestration by integrating spatial and temporal carbon and mineral fluxes. J. Kan, D. Karwan, O. Lazareva, C. Rosier, A. Aufdenkampe, D. L. Sparks, L. A. Kaplan, J. Pizzuto, K. Yoo (2012): The 2nd International Conference of Geobiology-Critical Zone Observatories for sustainable soil development and beyond. Sept 4-8, 2012, Wuhan, China.
Predicting the accumulation of mercury-contaminated sediment on riverbanks—An analytical approach. Jim Pizzuto (2012): Water Resources Research Vol. 48, W07518
Characterization and Source Determination of Suspended Particulate Material in White Clay Creek, USA. Karwan, D.L. (2012): Invited Seminar, United States Geological Survey, Reston, Virginia, January 27, 2012
Sediment Fingerprinting in White Clay Creek and the Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. Karwan, D.L. (2012): Invited Seminar, University of Pennsylvania, Department of Earth and Environmental Science, April 2, 2012
Beryllium-7 Wet Deposition in Open Precipitation and Canopy Throughfall. Karwan, D.L., Levia, D., Siegert, C., and Pizzuto, J. (2012): American Geophysical Union Annual Fall Meeting, December 3-7, 2012, San Francisco, CA
Biogeochemical Transformation of Fe- and Mn- Along a Redox Gradient: Implications for Carbon Sequestration within the Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. Lazareva, O. (2012): Department of Plant and Soil Sciences Seminar, University of Delaware, March
Biogeochemical Transformation of Fe- and Mn- Along a Redox Gradient: Implications for Carbon Sequestration within the Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. Lazareva, O., D.L. Sparks, A. Aufdenkampe, K. Yoo, S. Hicks and J. Kan. (2012): DENIN Research Symposium, University of Delaware, Newark, Delaware, January
Stemflow and dissolved organic carbon cycling: temporal variability in concentration, flux, and UV-vis spectral metrics in a temperate broadleaved deciduous forest in the eastern USA. Levia, D.F.*, J.T. Van Stan*, S.P. Inamdar, M.T. Jarvis, M.J. Mitchell, S.M. Mage, C.E. Scheick, & P.J. McHale (2012): Canadian Journal of Forest Research 42: 207-216. [* equal contributors]
The Impact of Terrestrial Dissolved Organic Carbon on Stream Ecosystems Through an Investigation of Hydrologic Sources. McLaughlin, Christine (2012): A Dissertation in Biology Presented to the Faculties of the University of Pennsylvania in Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the Degree of Doctor of Philosophy
Turbulent particle transport in streams: Can exponential settling be reconciled with fluid mechanics?. McNair, J. N. and J. D. Newbold (2012): Journal of Theoretical Biology 300:62-80
Estimation of dissolved organic carbon contribution from hillslope soils to a headwater stream. Mei, Y., G. M. Hornberger, L. A. Kaplan, J. D. Newbold, and A. K. Aufdenkampe (2012): Water Resour. Res. 48(9)
Biogeochemical transformation of Fe- and Mn- along a redox gradient: Implications for carbon sequestration within the Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. Olesya Lazareva, Donald L. Sparks, Anthony Aufdenkampe, Jinjun Kan, Steven Hicks, Joshua LeMonte, Weinan Pan, Chunmei Chen (2012): 243rd ACS National Meeting and Exposition, San Diego, California, March 25 - 29.
Biogeochemical Dynamics of Aqueous Fe and Mn in Soil Pore-Waters and Stream with Respect to Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) Quantity and Quality. Olesya Lazareva, Sparks, D.L., Pan, W., Kan, J., Aufdenkampe, A. (2012): Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 24-29.
Scaling the gas transfer velocity and hydraulic geometry in streams and small rivers. Raymond, P. A., C. J. Zappa, D. Butman, T. L. Bott, C. Potter, P. Mulholland, A. E. Laursen, W. H. McDowell, and D. Newbold (2012): Limnology and Oceanography: Fluids and Environments 2:41-53
Assessing the Effects of Canopy-derived Nutrient Fluxes on Key Soil Ecosystem Services. Rosier, C. L., A. Aufdenkampe, J. Kan, D. Levia, and J. Van Stan (2012): White Clay Wild and Scenic Watershed Summit, Stroud Water Research Center, Avondale, Pennsylvania, Sep. 25
Shallow stratigraphic controls on surface water-groundwater mixing and geochemical fate in the benthic zone of an estuary. Sawyer A.H., Lazareva, O., Crespo, K., and Michael, H. (2012): GSA Annual Meeting, Charlotte, North Carolina, Nov. 4-7
2012 CRB-CZO Annual Report to National Science Foundation. Sparks, D., Aufdenkampe, A., Kaplan, L., Pizzuto, J., and Yoo, K. (2012): NSF Award #0724971
The role of metal redox coupling processes in carbon cycling and stabilization. Sparks, D.L., Chen, C., Lazareva, O., LeMonte, J., Wang, J., Regier, T., and Dynes, J.J. (2012): Goldschmidt Conference, Montreal, Canada, June 24-29.
Controls & dynamics of canopy-derived dissolved organic matter from co-dominant broadleaved deciduous canopies to the soil of a temperate catchment in the northeastern United States. Van Stan, J.T. (2012): Ph.D. Dissertation, University of Delaware
Controls and dynamics of canopy-derived dissolved organic matter from co-dominant broadleaved deciduous canopies to the soil of a temperate catchment in the northeastern United States. Van Stan, J.T. (2012): Publications in Climatology 64: 1-96
The effects of phenoseason and storm characteristics on throughfall solute washoff and leaching dynamics from a temperate deciduous forest canopy. Van Stan, J.T., D.F. Levia, S.P. Inamdar, M. Lepori-Bui, & M.J. Mitchell (2012): Science of the Total Environment 430: 48-58