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Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
25 Publications
Storm-event Patterns and Sources of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) for Stream Runoff in a Forested, Mid-Atlantic Watershed . Inamdar, S.P., S. Singh, N. Finger, M. J. Mitchell. (2010): Abstract B13D-0499. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17.
Atmospheric Deposition and Corresponding Variability of Throughfall and Stemflow Chemistry Across Temporal Scales in a Mid-Atlantic Broadleaved Deciduous Forest . Levia, D.F., J.T. Van Stan, C.M. Siegert, S.P. Inamdar, M.J. Mitchell, S.M. Mage, P. McHale. (2010): Abstract H53F-1106. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17.
Future Directions for Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) Science. Anderson, R.S., Anderson, S., Aufdenkampe, A.K., Bales, R., Brantley, S., Chorover, J., Duffy, C.J., Scatena, F.N., Sparks, D.L., Troch, P.A., Yoo, K. (2010): CZO Community, December 29, 2010 Cross-CZO National
Spatially and Temporally Distributed Re-evaluation of Global CO2 Outgassing from Inland Waters: The Tropics Dominate Global Fluxes Abstract B24A-02 . Aufdenkampe, A. K., Mayorga, E., Alin, S R, Raymond, P, Melack, J M, Doney, S C. (2010): Abstract B24A-02. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17.
Christina River Basin CZO: a whole watershed approach to quantifying human modification of critical zone carbon sequestration. Aufdenkampe, A.K., D.L. Sparks (2010): Invited Talk at the University of Delaware's Academy of Lifelong Learning, June 15, Wilmington, DE
Christina River Basin CZO: Spatial and temporal integration of carbon and mineral fluxes: a whole watershed approach to quantifying anthropogenic modification of critical zone carbon sequestration. Aufdenkampe, A.K., D.L. Sparks, L.A. Kaplan, J.E. Pizzuto, K. Yoo (2010): Invited Talk at the quarterly meeting of the Christina River Basin Task Force, Dec. 3, Newark, DE
Advances in Understanding Watershed Processes with Real-time in-Situ Sensor Networks for Surface and Ground Water Properties. Aufdenkampe, A.K., J.D. Newbold, D. Arscott, L.A. Kaplan, M.S. Johnson (2010): Invited Talk at the Pennsylvania Water Symposium, May 6, State College, PA
Distribution, Speciation, and Elemental Associations of Soil Organic Carbon under Varying Landscape Topographic Positions at the Molecular Scale. Chen, C., Aufdenkampe, A.K., Yoo K., and Sparks D.L. (2010): 3rd Annual National CZO PI meeting, Boulder, CO, September 13-15.
Communicating the Cutting Edge: Innovations in Watershed Education . Gill, S.E. (2010): 3rd Annual National CZO PI meeting, Boulder, CO, September 13-15.
Biomineralization by a Newly-Isolated Stalk-Forming Fe-oxidizing Bacterium: Towards Interpretation of Putative Fe Microfossils Abstract B51G-0437. Krepski, S.T., C.S. Chan. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17.
Temporal variability of stemflow volume in a beech-yellow poplar forest in relation to tree species and size. Levia, D.F., Van Stan, II, J.T., Mage, S.M., and Kelley-Hauske, P.W. (2010): Journal of Hydrology 380 (1/2):112-120.
The Delivery Of Dissolved Organic Carbon From Forest Soils To A Head Water Stream . Mei, V., G.M. Hornberger, L. Kaplan, J. D. Newbold, A. K. Aufdenkampe. (2010): Abstract H53B-1031. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17
Water quality functions of a 15-year-old riparian forest buffer system. Newbold, J. D., S. Herbert, B. W. Sweeney, P. Kiry, and S. J. Alberts (2010): Journal of the American Water Resources Association. 1-12
Microclimatological and Physiological Controls of Stomatal Conductance and Transpiration of Co-Occurring Seedlings with Varying Shade Tolerance . Siegert, C.M., D.F. Levia. (2010): Abstract H33B-1132. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17.
Quality of Dissolved Organic Matter (DOM) in Watershed Compartments for a Forested Mid-Atlantic Watershed. Singh, S., S.P. Inamdar, N. Finger, M.J. Mitchell, D.F. Levia, D. Scott, H. Bais. (2010): Abstract B13D-0508. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17.
2010 CRB-CZO Annual Report to National Science Foundation. Sparks, D., Aufdenkampe, A., Kaplan, L., Pizzuto, J., and Yoo, K. (2010): NSF Award #0724971
The Pathways and Processes Utilized to Develop the Critical Zone Observatories. Sparks, D.L. (2010): Invited Tallk, ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2010 International Annual Meetings, "Green Revolution 2.0: Food + Energy and Environmental Security," Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31 - Nov. 3
Christina River Basin Critical Zone Observatory: Preliminary Results from the Vegetation Survey for Validation of Airborne LiDAR Imagery. Van Stan, J., S. Stotts, D. Levia, J. Pizzuto, D. Sparks (2010): 3rd Annual National CZO PI meeting, Boulder, CO, September 13-15
Temporal Variability of Stemflow Dissolved Organic Carbon (DOC) Concentrations and Quality from Morphologically Contrasting Deciduous Canopies . Van Stan, J.T., D.F. Levia, S.P. Inamdar, M.J. Mitchell, S.M. Mage. (2010): Abstract B13D-0516. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17.
Integrating Geochemical and Morphologic Evolution of Soil-Covered Hillslopes in a Transient Tributary Basin . Weinman, B.A., K. Yoo, S.M. Mudd, M.D. Hurst, K. Maher, K. Mayer, C. Andersen. (2010): Abstract EP23C-04. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17
Development of an integrated information system for Critical Zone Observatory data . Whitenack, T , Williams, M W, Tarboton, D G, Zaslavsky, I, Durcik, M, Lucas, R G, Dow, C, Meng, X, Bills, B, Leon, M, Yang, C, Arnold, M, Aufdenkampe, A K, Schreuders, K, Alvarez, O. (2010): Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union. December 2010. Abstract IN31B-1289 Cross-CZO National
Soils Move, and That Matters for Biogeochemistry: Weathering and the Carbon Cycle from a Geomorphic Perspective . Yoo, K., A. (2010): Invited Talk, Pennsylvania State University, Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, April 23.
Where Minerals Meet Carbon: An Inevitable Geomorphic Control of Carbon Cycle in the Anthropocene. Yoo, K., A. (2010): Invited Talk, University of Calgary, Canada, Biogeoscience Institute, March 10.
Extending the Interdisciplinary Interfaces of Geomorphology by Changing the Units of Key Variables: From Volumes to Masses to Areas . Yoo, K., A.K. Aufdenkampe, B.A. Weinman, S.M. Mudd, C. Chen. (2010): Abstract EP43A-0749. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17.
Case Study: The Role of Pedology In Christina River Basin CZO. Yoo, K., Aufdenkampe, A., and. Sparks, D.L. (2010): Invited Talk, ASA-CSSA-SSSA 2010 International Annual Meetings, "Green Revolution 2.0: Food + Energy and Environmental Security," Long Beach, CA, Oct. 31 - Nov. 3.