Assistant Professor of Natural Resources and Environment
Papuga (Kurc)'s page
PhD, University of Colorado; Boulder, 2006
Dr. Papuga's research program focuses on the land-atmosphere exchange of energy, water, and carbon. Using an iterative combination of field work, satellite observations, and modeling, her lab works to help better scale, parameterize, and represent energy, water, and carbon dynamics of water-limited ecosystems in models and to better understand how these water-limited ecosystems are changing over time, especially under the influence of climate change.
Vegetation source water identification using isotopic and hydrometric observations from a subhumid mountain catchment. Dwivedi R., Eastoe C., Knowles J.F., Wright W.E., Hamann L., Minor R., Mitra B., Meixner T., McIntosh J., Ferre P.A.T., Castro C., Niu G.-Y., Barron‐Gafford G.A., Abramson N., Papuga S.A., Stanley M., Hu J., Chorover J. (2020): Ecohydrology 13(1): e2167
Allometric relationships between primary size measures and sapwood area for six common tree species in snow-dependent ecosystems in the Southwest United States. Mitra B., Papuga S.A., Alexander M.R., Swetnam T.L., Abramson N. (2019): Journal of Forestry Research (online)
Reviews and syntheses: on the roles trees play in building and plumbing the critical zone. Brantley, Susan L., David M. Eissenstat, Jill A. Marshall, Sarah E. Godsey, Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad, Diana L. Karwan, Shirley A. Papuga, Joshua Roering, Todd E. Dawson, Jaivime Evaristo, Oliver Chadwick, Jeffrey J. McDonnell, Kathleen C. Weathers (2017): Biogeosciences, 14, 5115-5142 Cross-CZO National
Critical Zone Services: Expanding Context, Constraints, and Currency beyond Ecosystem Services. Field J.P., Breshears D.D., Law D.J., Villegas J.C., López-Hoffman L., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Barron-Gafford G.A., Gallery R.E., Litvak M.E., Lybrand R.A., McIntosh J.C., Meixner T., Niu G-Y., Papuga S.A., Pelletier J.D., Rasmussen C.R., and Troch P.A (2015): Vadose Zone Journal 14(1)
Increased evaporation following widespread tree mortality limits streamflow response. Biederman J.A., Harpold A.A., Gochis D.J., Ewers B.E., Reed D.E., Papuga S.A., and Brooks P.D. (2014): Water Resources Research 50(7): 5395–5409 Cross-CZO
Influence of snow cover duration on soil evaporation and respiration efflux in mixed-conifer ecosystems. Nelson K., Kurc S.A., John G., Minor R. and Barron-Gafford G.A. (2014): Ecohydrology 7(2): 869–880
Quantifying the influence of deep soil moisture on ecosystem albedo: The role of vegetation. Sanchez-Mejia Z.M., Papuga S.A., Swetish J.B., van Leeuwen W.J.D., Szutu D., and Hartfield K. (2014): Water Resources Research 50: 4038-4053
Coevolution of nonlinear trends in vegetation, soils, and topography with elevation and slope aspect: A case study in the sky islands of southern Arizona. Pelletier J.D., Barron-Gafford G.A., Breshears D.D., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Durcik M., Harman C.J., Huxman T.E., Lohse K.A., Lybrand R., Meixner T., McIntosh J.C., Papuga S.A., Rasmussen C., Schaap M., Swetnam T.L., and Troch P.A. (2013): Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface 118(2): 741-758
How Water, Carbon, and Energy Drive Critical Zone Evolution: The Jemez-Santa Catalina Critical Zone Observatory . Chorover J., Troch P.A., Rasmussen C., Brooks P., Pelletier J., Breshears D.D., Huxman T., Lohse K., McIntosh J., Meixner T., Papuga S., Schaap M., Litvak M., Perdrial J. Harpold A., and Durcik M. (2011): Vadose Zone Journal 10(3): 884-899
Modeling moisture fluxes using artificial neural networks: can information extraction overcome data loss?. Neal A.L., Gupta H. V., Kurc S. A., and Brooks P.D. (2011): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences 15: 359-368
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Ecosystem carbon balance in a drier future: land-atmosphere exchanges of CO2, water and energy across semiarid southwestern North America. Biederman, J., Scott, R., Goulden, M., Litvak, M., Kolb, T., Yépez, E., Oechel, W., Meyers, T., Papuga, S., Ponce-Campos,G., Krofcheck, D., Maurer, G., Dore, S., Garatuza, J., Bell, T., Krishnan, P. (2015): B13F. Terrestrial Biome Fluxes and Biogeochemical Impacts of Forest Disturbances: Measurements and Modeling from Minutes to Millennia III Posters, presented at 2015 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 14-18 Dec.
A two-layer soil moisture conceptual framework for exploring land surface-atmosphere interactions in water-limited ecosystem. Papuga S. (2014): Abstract H41H-07 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec.
Update from the Papuga Lab. Papuga S.A. (2014): Catalina-Jemez CZO Meeting, Tucson, AZ, November 5, 2014
Understory growth dynamics following high severity burn in a mixed-conifer forest. Wilcox D., Papuga S.A. and Swetnam T. (2014): Poster presented at EarthWeek, University of Arizona, Tucson, 8-11 April 2014
Bridging from Soil to Ecosystem Goods and Services Provided by the Critical Zone. Field J.P., Breshears D.D., Law D.J., Brooks P.D., Chorover J., Pelletier J.D., Troch P.A., López-Hoffman L., Rasmussen C., Papuga S., Harpold A., Biederman J.A., Barron-Gafford G.A., McIntosh J.C., Litvak M. (2013): Abstract presented at AGU Chapman Conference on Soil-mediated Drivers of Coupled Biogeochemical and Hydrological Processes Across Scales, Biosphere 2, Tucson, Arizona, 21-24 October 2013 (Poster) Cross-CZO
Toward an improved understanding of the role of transpiration in critical zone dynamics. Mitra B. and Papuga S. A. (2012): Abstract H53I-1650 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Poster)
Influence of understory greenness on trace gas and energy exchange in forested ecosystems. Swetish J., Papuga S. A., Litvak M. E., Barron-Gafford G. A., Mitra B. (2012): Abstract B51B-0511 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Poster)
Carbon, water and weathering limitations in the semi-arid critical zone. J. Chorover, P.A. Troch, J.D. Pelletier, C. Rasmussen, P.D. Brooks, J.C. McIntosh, D.D. Breshears, T.E. Huxman, S.A. Papuga, K.A. Lohse, T. Meixner, M.G. Schaap, M.E. Litvak, A.A. Harpold, J.N. Perdrial, M. Durcik (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations Abstract B41H-05.
Vegetation-infiltration relationships along an elevational gradient in the semiarid southwestern United States. Lowry, F., Papuga, S.A. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations (Poster) Abstract H11E-1109.
Influence of Snow Cover Duration on Soil Evaporation and Respiration Efflux in Mixed-conifer Ecosystems . Nelson, K., Papuga, S.A., John, G.P., Minor, R., Barron-Gafford, G.A. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations (Poster) Abstract B41A-0205.
Distinguishing grass from ground using LiDAR: Techniques and applications. Pelletier, J.D., Swetnam, T., Papuga, S.A., Nelson, K., Brooks, P.D., Harpold, A.A., Chorover , J. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations Abstract EP51E-05.
Estimating large-scale evapotranspiration in arid and semi-arid systems: A multi-site study linking MODIS and Ameriflux data. Bunting, D.P., Glenn, E.P., Kurc, S.A., Scott, R.L., Nagler, P.L. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Poster) Abstract H31B-1000.
Investigating the impact of temporal and spatial variation in spring snow melt on summer soil respiration . John, G.P., Papuga, S.A., Wright, C.L., Nelson, K., Barron-Gafford, G.A. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Poster) Abstract H33C-1154.
Environmental Controls on Soil Respiration in Semiarid Ecosystems: The Role of the Vertical Distribution of Soil Moisture. Neal, A.L., Kurc, S., Brooks, P.D. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Poster) Abstract B31B-0290.
Continuous Monitoring of Dynamic Pulse-Driven Phenological Phases in a Semiarid Shrubland . Nelson, K., Kurc, S.A. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Poster) Abstract B23G-0468.
Coevolution of topography, hydrology, soil development, and vegetation in sky islands of the southwestern United States. Pelletier, J.D., Rasmussen, C., Breshears, D.D., Brooks, P.D., Chorover, J., Huxman, T.E., Lohse, K.A., Meixner, T., McIntosh, J.C., Kurc, S.A., Schaap, M.G., Swetnam, T., Troch, P.A. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting Abstract EP42A-03.
Influence of temporal variation in the vertical distribution of soil moisture on the surface radiation budget: Implications for semiarid land-atmosphere interactions. Sanchez, Z.M., Kurc, S.A. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Poster) Abstract B11D-0390.
Ecohydrological Controls on Land-Atmosphere Interactions in Water-Limited Ecosystems
Marley 230.