MA Student, School of Geography and Development
Univ. of Arizona - University of Arizona
Murphy's Univ. of Arizona page
BS, Environmental Sciences, San Diego State University, 2013
My interests are in the physiological responses of Critical Zone vegetation to extreme weather events and changing climatic influences. Specifically, I am looking at the contribution of snowmelt timing to vegetation and NPP around the Bigelow Site in the Santa Catalina Mountains.
Critical Zone Science in the Anthropocene: Opportunities for biogeographic and ecological theory and praxis to drive earth science integration. Minor J., Pearl J.K., Barnes M.L., Colella T.R., Murphy P.C., Mann S., Barron-Gafford G.A. (2020): Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment 44(1): 50–69
Topography influences species-specific patterns of seasonal primary productivity in a semiarid montane forest. Murphy P.C., Knowles J.F., Moore D.J.P., Anchukaitis K., Potts D.L., Barron-Gafford G.A. (2020): Tree Physiology 40(10): 1343–1354
Impacts of hydraulic redistribution on grass–tree competition vs facilitation in a semi-arid savanna. Barron-Gafford G.A., Sanchez-Cañete E.P., Minor R.L., Hendryx S.M., Lee E., Sutter L.F., Tran N., Parra E., Colella T., Murphy P.C., Hamerlynck E.P., Kumar P. and Scott R.L. (2017): New Phytologist 215(4): 1451–1461 Cross-CZO
Impacts of Hydraulic Redistribution on Grass-tree Competition vs Facilitation in a Semi-arid Savanna. Barron-Gafford, G.A., Sanchez-Canete, E.P., Minor, R.L., Hendryx, S.M., Lee, E., Sutter, L.F., Tran, N., Parra, E., Colella, T., Murphy, P.C., Hamerlynck, E.P., Kumar, P., and Scott, R.L. (2017): New Phytologist
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Patterns of Primary Productivity in a Semiarid Montane Forest. Murphy P. (2018): MS Thesis, Geography, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 51 pp