Hydrology MS student at the University of Arizona
BS, Hydrology, University of Arizona, 2007
Understanding temporal and spatial distribution of hydrologic properties on the hillslope, process controls. Much of my work also focuses on the hydraulic and dielectric properties of soils.
No papers/books in database have been explicitly linked to this author.
Pre- and Post-Fire Infiltration Rates in a Montane Mixed Conifer Ecosystem. Kopp E.S., Pohlmann M.A., Jones C.A., Chorover J., Schaap M.G. (2013): Abstract B33D-0509 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec.
TDR-EC: A Rapid Subsurface Characterization of Particle Size & Hydrologic Properties. Jones, C.A., Schaap, M.G. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations (Poster) Abstract H41D-1052.