Hydrology PhD student at University of Arizona
MS, Hydrology, University of Freiburg, Germany, 2007
PhD, Hydrology, University of Arizona, 2012
Development of new methods to determine the temporal and spatial distribution of water transit times from time series of stable water isotopes. Catchment classification by integrated response behavior from variable transit time distributions. Investigation of catchment response controls.
Consequences of mixing assumptions for time-variable travel time distributions. van der Velde Y., Heidbüchel I., Lyon S.W., Nyberg L., Rodhe A., Bishop K. and Troch P.A. (2015): Hydrological Processes 29(16): 3460–3474
Separating physical and meteorological controls of variable transit times in zero-order catchments. Heidbüchel I., Troch P.A., Lyon S.W. (2013): Water Resources Research 49 (11): 7644–7657
Changes in snowpack accumulation and ablation in the intermountain west. Harpold A.A., Brooks P.D., Rajogopal S., Heidebuchel I., Jardine A., and Stielstra C. (2012): Water Resources Research 48: W11501
The master transit time distribution of variable flow systems. Heidbüchel I., Troch P.A., Lyon S.W., and Weiler M. (2012): Water Resources Research 48(6): W06520
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
On the Variability of Hydrologic Catchment Response: Inherent and External Controls. Heidbüchel I (2013): Disertation in Hydrology and Water Resources. University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona, 118 pp.
Using Hydrologic Response Functions and Transit Time Distributions to Investigate Dynamic Catchment Behavior (Invited). Heidbuechel I., Troch P.A. (2013): Abstract H44B-02 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec.
What controls the shape of transit time distributions?. Heidbuechel I. and Troch P.A. (2012): Abstract H31B-1117 presented at 2012 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, Calif., 3-7 Dec (Poster)
Determining Controls on Variable Response Times from Nested Sub-catchments. I. Heidbuechel, Troch, P.A. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations Abstract H43N-05.
Sources and Amounts of Nitrogen Deposited in Sky-Island Ecosystems. Zapata, X., McIntosh, J.C., Sorooshian, A., Lohse, K.A., Brooks, P.D., Troch, P.A., Chorover, J., Heidbuechel, I. (2011): AGU Fall Meeting Presentations (Poster) Abstract B13G-0652.
Trends in Snowpack Depths and the Timing of Snowmelt in the River Basins of the Intermountain West . Harpold, A.A., Rajagopal, S., Heidbuechel, I., Stielstra, C., Jardine, A.B., Brooks, P.D. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting Abstract H31I-08.
Tracking Varying Mean Transit Time in a Semi-Arid Catchment . Heidbuechel, I., Troch, P.A., Lyon, S.W. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Poster) Abstract H11C-0813.
Climate and landscape controls on chemical weathering - regional to pedon-scale analysis. Rasmussen, C., Lybrand, R., Jardine, A.B., Heidbuechel, I., Troch, P.A., Chorover, J. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Invited) Abstract EP42A-02.
Environmental Energy and Mass Transfer: Key to Understanding Catchment Evolution. Troch, P.A., Rasmussen, C., Broxton, P.D., Heidbuechel, I. (2010): AGU Fall Meeting (Invited) Abstract H32B-01.