The AGU Fall Meeting is the largest worldwide conference in the geophysical sciences, attracting more than 20,000 Earth and space scientists, educators, students, and other leaders. Attendees will have the opportunity to present research, learn about the latest geophysical breakthroughs and connect with their peers.
The CZOs have historically showcased the full multi-disciplinary diversity of their research at the annual AGU Fall meeting. We've assembled a full listing of more than 125 CZO presentations. View the CZO schedule for 2012 AGU (2 MB PDF) >
Highlights of the 2012 CZO booth at the annual meeting of the American Geophysical Union in San Francisco, CA included the new detailed CZO brochure derived from the recent International Innovations articles completed in Summer 2012, a "how-to-collaborate-at-a-CZO" handout, a formal comprehensive listing of all CZO-related presentations at the meeting, working examples of Southern Sierra CZO sensor instrumentation, and a visit by NSF program director Suresh. Other CZO activities at the meeting included: 2 formal business meetings, one with NSF program directors; a pre-meeting LiDAR workshop, and a meeting of the CZO Graduate Research Group.
The third consecutive year of "boothing" at AGU in 2012 was the most successful for the CZOs - fully staffed by CZO PIs, senior scientists, technicians and graduate students offering a broad array of new and past pamphlets and publications.
American Geophysical Union
The third consecutive year of "boothing" at AGU in 2012 was the most successful for the CZOs - fully staffed by CZO PIs, senior scientists, technicians and graduate students offering a broad array of new and past pamphlets and publications.
NSF program director Dr. Subra Suresh visits with CZO PIs Dr. Anthony Aufdenkampe (Christina River Basin; facing), Dr. Roger Bales (Southern Sierra; foreground), and NSF CZO program director Dr. Enriqueta Barrera (hiding).
(2 MB pdf)
A listing of all CZO-related presentations for the 2012 annual meeting of the AGU.