PhD, Geological Sciences, Arizona State University , 2011
B.A., Geophysics, University of California, Berkeley, 2005
My research focuses on understanding the processes that erode bedrock and transport sediment along hillslopes and river channels. Ultimately I am interested in how landscapes record and respond to changes in climate, tectonics, and land use.
Soil Signals Tell of Landscape Disturbances. Lohse, K.A., Billings, S.A., DiBiase, R.A., Kumar, P., Berhe, A.A., and Kaye, J. (2020): Eos
2019 (In Review)
Predominant control of soil properties in storage-discharge relationship and threshold behavior in catchments derived from contrasting lithologies. Xiao, D., Shi, Y., Brantley, S. L., Forsythe, B., DiBiase, R. A., Davis, K. J., Li, L. (2019): Water Resources Research (in review)
Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: Shale Hills in the Context of Shaver's Creek Watershed. Brantley Susan, White Timothy, West Nicole, Williams Jennifer, Forsythe Brandon, Shapich Dan, Kaye Jason, Lin Hangsheng (Henry), Shi Yuning, Kaye Margot, Herndon Elizabeth, Davis Kenneth, He Yuting, Eissenstat David, Weitzman Julie, DiBiase Roman, Li Li, Reed Warren, Brubaker Kristen, Gu Xin (2018): Vadose Zone Journal, 17:180092
Record of coupled hillslope and channel response to Pleistocene erosion and deposition in a sandstone headwater valley, central Pennsylvania. Del Vecchio, J., DiBiase, R.A., Denn, A.R., Bierman, P.R., Caffee, M.W., and Zimmerman, S.R. (2018): Geological Society of America Bulletin November/December, vol 130, no. 11/12, p. 1903–1917
Stratigraphic control of landscape response to base-level fall, Young Womans Creek, Pennsylvania, USA. DiBiase, R.A., Denn, A.R., Bierman, P.R., Kirby, E., West, N., and Hidy, A.J. (2018): Earth and Planetary Science Letters 504, p. 163-173
The Effect of Lithology and Agriculture at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory. Li Li, DiBiase Roman A., Del Vecchio Joanmarie, Marcon Virginia, Hoagland Beth, Xiao Dacheng, Wayman Callum, Tang Qicheng, He Yuting, Silverhart Perri, Szink Ismaiel, Forsythe Brandon, Williams Jennifer Z., Shapich Dan, Mount Gregory J., Kaye Jason, Guo Li, Lin Henry, Eissenstat David, Dere Ashlee, Brubaker Kristen, Kaye Margot, Davis Kenneth J., Russo Tess A., Brantley Susan L. (2018): Vadose Zone Journal, 17:180063
Designing a suite of measurements to understand the critical zone. Brantley, S. L., DiBiase, R. A., Russo, T. A., Shi, Y., Lin, H., Davis, K. J., Kaye, M., Hill, L., Kaye, J., Eissenstat, D. M., Hoagland, B., Dere, A. L., Neal, A. L., Brubaker, K. M., and Arthur, D. K (2016): Earth Surface Dynamics 4: 211-235
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Using the Susquehanna - Shale Hills CZO to Project from the Geological Past to the Anthropocene Future. Brantley, Susan L., Davis, Kenneth J., Eissenstat, David M., and Li, Li (2018): NSF Award # 1331726 - Annual Report: Year 5
Near-surface Geophysical Characterization of Cole Farms in the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Pennsylvania, USA. Gregory Mount*, Jorden Hayes, Perri Silverhart, Callum Richard Wayman, Joanmarie Del Vecchio, Roman A DiBiase, Susan L Brantley (2018): Abstract NS41B-0820 presented at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec
Investigating climate change versus land use controls on hillslope erosion and valley sedimentation at the Cole Farm study watershed, central Pennsylvania. Perri Silverhart*, Roman A DiBiase (2018): Abstract H53N-1775 presented at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec
Stratigraphic control of landscape response to base-level fall, Young Womans Creek, Pennsylvania, USA. Roman A DiBiase*, Alison Denn, Paul R Bierman, Eric Kirby, Nicole West, Alan Hidy (2018): Abstract EP21D-2271 presented at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14
Using the Susquehanna - Shale Hills CZO to Project from the Geological Past to the Anthropocene Future. Brantley, Susan L., Davis, Kenneth J., Eissenstat, David M., Li, Li, Russo, Tess (2017): NSF Award # 1331726 - Annual Report: Year 4
A Quaternary record of periglacial surface processes preserved in a headwater valley in central Pennsylvania. Del Vecchio, J., DiBiase, R., Bierman, P., Denn, A. (2017): 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 Dec
Shallow critical zone architecture of a headwater sandstone catchment quantified using near-surface geophysics. DiBiase, R., Del Vecchio, J.M., Mount, G.J., Hayes, J.L., Comas, X., Guo, L., Lin, H., Zarif, F., Forsythe, B. and Brantley, S.L. (2017): AGU-SEG Hydrogeophysics Workshop, Stanford, Calif., 24-27 July
Integrating geomorphological and time-lapse geophysical techniques to characterize hydrogeologic properties within shale and sandstone catchments at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Pennsylvania, USA. Mount, G.J., DiBiase, R., Comas, X., Del Vecchio, J., Guo, L., Hayes, J., Forsythe, B., Brantley, S. (2017): AGU-SEG Hydrogeophysics Workshop, San Francisco, Calif., 24-27 July 2017
Understanding controls of hydrologic processes across two headwater monolithological catchments using model-data synthesis. Xiao, D., Shi, Y., Hoagland, B., Del Vecchio, J., Russo, T.A., DiBiase, R.A., Li, L. (2017): 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 Dec
Using the Susquehanna - Shale Hills CZO to Project from the Geological Past to the Anthropocene Future. Brantley, Susan L., Davis, Kenneth J., Eissenstat, David M., Li, Li, Russo, Tess (2016): NSF Award # 1331726 - Annual Report: Year 3
Colluvial signatures of Pleistocene sediment production in central Pennsylvania. Del Vecchio, J., Denn, A., DiBiase, R., and Bierman, P. (2016): 2016 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 12-16 Dec.
Surface and Subsurface Characteristics of Periglacial Landscape Modification in Central Pennsylvania . Del Vecchio, J., Martin, C., Mount, G.J., Hayes, J., Comas, X., and DiBiase, R. (2016): 2016 Geological Society of America Fall Meeting, Denver, CO, 25-28 September
Quantifying the spatial variability in critical zone architecture through surface mapping and near-surface geophysics (Invited). DiBiase, R., Del Vecchio, J., Mount, G., Hayes, J.L., Comas, X., Guo, L., Lin, H., Zarif, F., Forsythe, B., and Brantley, S.L. (2016): 2016 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 12-16 Dec.
Characterizing Subsurface Lithology and Hydrological Processes at the Susquehanna Shale Hills CZO Using Multi-scale Near-surface Geophysical Measurements. Mount, G., Guo, L., Comas, X., DiBiase, R., Hayes, J.L., Del Vecchio, J., Forsythe, B., Brantley, S.L., and Lin, H. (2016): 2016 Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, San Francisco, CA, 12-16 Dec.
Evaluating the Importance of Regolith Heterogenity on Catchment Hydrology in Garner Run, Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, Pennsylvania, USA. Silverhart, P., Zhi, W., Xiao, D., Del Vecchio, J., DiBiase, R., and Li, L. (2016): 2016 Geological Society of America Fall Meeting, Denver, CO, 25-28 September
Using the Susquehanna - Shale Hills CZO to Project from the Geological Past to the Anthropocene Future . Brantley, Susan L., Davis, Kenneth J., Eissenstat, David M., Li, Li, Russo, Tess (2015): NSF Award # 1331726 - Annual Report: Year 2
TOPOGRAPHIC AND COLLUVIAL SIGNATURES OF LITHOLOGY, BASE LEVEL, AND CLIMATE IN THE SHAVERS CREEK WATERSHED, PENNSYLVANIA. DiBiase, R.A., Del Vecchio, J., and Granke, S.B. (2015): Pardee Symposium, 2015 GSA National Meeting, Baltimore, MD, Geological Society of America Abstracts with Programs. Vol. 47, No. 7, p.832
17 Jun 2020 - For an updated listing of these talks, including abstracts, see /national/education-outreach/sustainability-2020/ The U.S....
19 Apr 2018 - Water Resources Extension Educators visited Penn State for three days for the Penn State Extension Annual Conference. During their visit to...
05 Oct 2017 - Just under 250 geologists from across the state of Pennsylvania spent three days (Oct 5-7) exploring outcrops and research sites in Blair, Centre...
30 Jun 2017 - Over two days, the catena in Garner Run was home base for the Rutgers 2017 Hydrogeophysics Workshop. Faculty, graduate students, and three...
01 Jul 2016 - Joanmarie Del Vecchio, M.S. candidate in Geosciences, has been awarded the 2016 GSA Quaternary Geology and Geomorphology Division Research...
27 May 2016 - To kick off the CZO summer display in the Lower Classroom at Shaver’s Creek, the Environmental Center hosted a poster session to learn about...
26 May 2016 - The Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model (PIHM) developer workshop aimed to help developers understand the PIHM code and learn how to contribute...
16 May 2016 - Jorden Hayes (Southern Sierra CZO) was an invited speaker and visitor to the Shale Hills CZO All-Hands meeting in May 2016
09 May 2016 - Luquillo CZO PI Xavier Comas, Professor of Geosciences at Florida Atlantic University, joined the Susquehanna Shale Hills CZO team along with...
21 Apr 2016 - New this Year: Educators from state parks around Pennsylvania traveled to Shale Hills (Wednesday, April 20th) for a half day introduction to...
10 Jun 2015 - Funded by the National Science Foundation, eight REU/RET participants with Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory joined seven...
13 May 2015 - The annual SSHCZO All Hands meeting featured Dr. Dorothy Merritts, Harry W. and Mary B. Huffnagle Professor of Geosciences and Chair of the...