Research Assistant Professor, Department of Civil & Environmental Engineering, Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville
Univ of Tenn-Knoxville - University of Tennessee-Knoxville
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Phd, Geological Sciences, Case Western Reserve University, 2003
Erosion & sediment transport in watersheds radionuclide tracers in environmental studies and bank erosion
A new dynamic wetness index (DWI) predicts soil moisture persistence and correlates with key indicators of surface soil geochemistry. Li, M., Foster, E.J., Le, P.V.V., Yan, Q., Stumpf, A., Hou, T., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wacha, K.M., Wilson, C.G., Wang, J., Kumar, P., and Filley, T. (2020): Geoderma
The impact of tillage row orientation on physical and chemical sediment enrichment. Wacha, K.M., Papanicolaou, A.N., Abban, B.K., Wilson, C.G., Giannopoulos, C.P., Hou, T., Filley, T.R., and Hatfield, J.L. (2020): Agrosystems, Geosciences, and Environment
The Migration Diary of a Knickpoint in a Channelized Stream with a Cohesive Bed. Papanicolaou, A.N., Thomas, J.T., Wilson, C.G., Abban, B.K.B., Bettis, E.A., and Elhakeem, M (2019): Water Resources Research
The C-biogeochemistry of a Midwestern USA agricultural impoundment in context: Lake Decatur in the intensively managed landscape critical zone observatory. Blair, N.E., Leithold, E.L., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., Keefer, L., Kirton, E., Vinson, D., Schnoebelen, D., Rhoads, B., Yu, M., and Lewis, Q. (2018): Biogeochemistry
Understanding saturated hydraulic conductivity under seasonal changes in climate and land use. Elhakeem, M., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., Chang, Y.-J., Burras, L., Abban, B., Wysocki, D.A., and Wills, S. (2018): Geoderma
Control of tillage disturbance on the chemistry and proportion of raindrop-liberated particles from soil aggregates. Hou, T., Berry, T.D., Singh, S., Hughes, M., Tong, Y., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wacha, K.M., Wilson, C.G., Chaubey, I., and Filley, T.R. (2018): Geoderma
Critical Transition in Critical Zone of Intensively Managed Landscapes. Kumar, P., Le, P.V.V., Papanicolaou, A.N., Rhoads, B.L., Anders, A.M., Stumpf, A., Wilson, C.G., Bettis, E.A., Blair, N., Ward, A.S., Filley, T., Lin, H., Keefer, L., Keefer, D.A., Lin, Y.-F., Muste, M., Royer, T.V., Foufoula-Georgiou, E., and Belmont, P. (2018): Anthropocene
Groundwater Monitoring at the Watershed Scale: An Evaluation of Recharge and Nonpoint Source Pollutant Loading in the Clear Creek Watershed, Iowa. Schilling, K.E., Streeter, M.T., Bettis, E.A. III, Wilson, C.G., and Papanicolaou, A.N. (2018): Hydrological Processes
The Role of Hydraulic Connectivity and Management on Soil Aggregate Size and Stability in the Clear Creek Watershed, Iowa. Wacha, K.M., Papanicolaou, A.N. Giannopoulos, C.P., Abban, B.K., Wilson, C.G., Zhou, S., Hatfield, J.L., Filley, T.R., and Hou, T. (2018): Geosciences
The Intensively Managed Landscape Critical Zone Observatory: A Scientific Testbed for Understanding Critical Zone Processes in Agroecosystems. Wilson, C.G., Abban, B., Keefer, L.L., Wacha, K., Dermisis, D., Giannopoulos, C., Zhou, S., Goodwell, A.E., Woo, D.K., Yan, Q., Ghadiri, M., Stumpf, A., Pitcel, M., Lin, Y-F, Marini, L., Storsved, B., Goff, K., Vogelgesang, J., Dere, A., Schilling, K.E., Muste, M., Blair, N.E., Rhoads, B., Bettis, A., Pai, H., Kratt, C., Sladek, C., Wing, M., Selker, J., Tyler, S., Lin, H., Kumar, P., and Papanicolaou, A.N. (2018): Vadose Zone Journal
Quantifying the changes of soil surface microroughness due to rainfall impact on a smooth surface. Abban, B., Papanicolaou, A.N., Giannopoulos, C.P., Dermisis, D.C., Wacha, K.M., Wilson, C.G., and Elhakeem, M. (2017): Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
Understanding mass fluvial erosion along a bank profile: Using PEEP technology for Quantifying Retreat Lengths and Identifying Event Timing. Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., Tsakiris, A.G., Sutarto, T.E., Bertrand, F., Rinaldi, M., Dey, S., and Langendoen, E. (2017): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms
An enhanced Bayesian fingerprinting framework for studying sediment source dynamics in intensively managed landscapes. Abban, B., Papanicolaou, A.N., Cowles, M.K., Wilson, C.G., Abaci, O., Wacha, K., Schilling, K., and Schnoebelen, D. (2016): Water Resources Research
Dynamic Assessment of Current Management in an Intensively Managed Agroecosystem. Wilson, C.G., Wacha, K.M., Papanicolaou, A.N., Sander, H.,A., Freudenberg, V.B., Abban, B.K., and Zhao, C (2016): Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education
Spatial variability of saturated hydraulic conductivity at the hillslope scale: Understanding the role of land management and erosional effect. Papanicolaou, A.N., Elhakeem, M., Wilson, C.G., Burras, C.L., West, L.T., Lin, H., Clark, B., and Oneal, B.E. (2015): Geoderma
From soilscapes to landscapes: A landscape-oriented approach to simulate soil organic carbon dynamics in intensively managed landscapes. Papanicolaou, A.N., K.M. Wacha, B.K. Abban, C.G. Wilson, J. Hatfield, C. Stanier, and T. Filley (2015): Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
Effects of Land Cover on Streamflow Variability in a Small Iowa Watershed: Assessing Future Vulnerabilities. Schilling, K., M. Streeter, K. Hutchinson, C.G. Wilson, B.K. Abban, K.M. Wacha and A.N. Papanicolaou (2015): American Journal of Environmental Sciences
Prediction of Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity Dynamics in an Iowan Agriculture Watershed. Elhakeem, M., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C., and Chang, Y. (2014): International Journal of Biological, Veterinary, Agricultural, and Food Engineering
A stability analysis of semi-cohesive streambanks with CONCEPTS: Couple field and laboratory investigations to quantify the onset of fluvial erosion and mass failure. Sutarto, T.E., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., and Langendoen, E. (2014): Journal of Hydraulic Engineering-ASCE
Quantifying and partitioning fine sediment loads in an intensively agricultural headwater system. Wilson, C.G., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Denn, K.D. (2012): Journal of Soil and Sediments
Evaluating the effects of grassed waterways in southeastern Iowa. Dermisis, D.O., Abaci, O., Papaniclaou, A.N., and Wilson, C.G. (2010): Soil and Use Management
Soil quality in Clear Creek, IA: SOM loss and soil quality in the Clear Creek, IA, Experimental Watershed. Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., Abaci, O., Elhakeem, M., and Skopec, M. (2009): Journal of the Iowa Academy of Science 116(1–4):14–26
SOM dynamics and erosion in an agricultural test field of the Clear Creek, Iowa, watershed. Wilson, C.G., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Abaci, O. (2009): Hydrology and Earth System Sciences Discussions
Observations of soils at the hillslope scale in the Clear Creek watershed in Iowa, USA. Papanicolaou, A.N., Elhakeem, M., Wilson, C.G., Burras, C.L., and Oneal, B. (2008): Soil Survey Horizons 49:83–86
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Agricultural soil erosion and soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics in the US Midwest: Bridging the knowledge gap across scales. Papanicolaou, A.N., Dermisis, D., Wacha, K., Abban, B., and Wilson C. (2011): The Geological Society of America Meeting
22 Apr 2016 - Three IML-CZO researchers recently co-authored an article in Hydrolink magazine which examined the Hydraulics and Sedimentation Laboratory (HSL) at...
04 Feb 2016 - A closer look at cultivated land informs actions to protect the vitality of our soil.
11 Jan 2016 - The CZO National Office Newsletter CZNews: Winter 2016
13 Nov 2015 - A new study has shown that soil quality actually continued to decline until the 1980s and even now isn't back to pre-Dust Bowl levels.
01 Apr 2014 - Soil sampling is underway at the Clear Creek watershed.
IML-CZO Offers Short Course on Organic Matter
Purdue University.