Professor of Geography and Geographic Information Science,School of Earth, Society, and Environment, and Center for Global Studies, Univ of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Rhoads's page
PhD, Geography, Arizona State University, 1986
Focus on fluvial dynamics of streams in the Midwest, ranging from investigations aimed at improving basic scientific understanding of the geomorphology of rivers to studies focusing on issues of importance for river management and policy. Much of the work emphasizes field measurements of process-form interactions, but through collaborations with colleagues projects also include laboratory experiments and numerical modeling.
The C-biogeochemistry of a Midwestern USA agricultural impoundment in context: Lake Decatur in the intensively managed landscape critical zone observatory. Blair, N.E., Leithold, E.L., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., Keefer, L., Kirton, E., Vinson, D., Schnoebelen, D., Rhoads, B., Yu, M., and Lewis, Q. (2018): Biogeochemistry
Critical Transition in Critical Zone of Intensively Managed Landscapes. Kumar, P., Le, P.V.V., Papanicolaou, A.N., Rhoads, B.L., Anders, A.M., Stumpf, A., Wilson, C.G., Bettis, E.A., Blair, N., Ward, A.S., Filley, T., Lin, H., Keefer, L., Keefer, D.A., Lin, Y.-F., Muste, M., Royer, T.V., Foufoula-Georgiou, E., and Belmont, P. (2018): Anthropocene
Integrating Unmanned Aerial Systems and LSPIV for Rapids, Cost-Effective Stream Gauging. Lewis, Q.W., Lindroth, E.M., and Rhoads, B.L. (2018): Journal of Hydrology
Historical Changes in Channel Network Extent and Channel Planform in an Intensively Managed Landscape: Natural Versus Human-Induced Effects. Rhoads, B.L., Lewis, Q.W., and Andresen, W. (2018): Geomorphology
Use of Multispectral Satellite Remote Sensing to Assess Mixing of Suspended Sediment Downstream of Large River Confluences. Umar, M., Rhoads, B.L., and Greenberg, J.A. (2018): Journal of Hydrology
The Intensively Managed Landscape Critical Zone Observatory: A Scientific Testbed for Understanding Critical Zone Processes in Agroecosystems. Wilson, C.G., Abban, B., Keefer, L.L., Wacha, K., Dermisis, D., Giannopoulos, C., Zhou, S., Goodwell, A.E., Woo, D.K., Yan, Q., Ghadiri, M., Stumpf, A., Pitcel, M., Lin, Y-F, Marini, L., Storsved, B., Goff, K., Vogelgesang, J., Dere, A., Schilling, K.E., Muste, M., Blair, N.E., Rhoads, B., Bettis, A., Pai, H., Kratt, C., Sladek, C., Wing, M., Selker, J., Tyler, S., Lin, H., Kumar, P., and Papanicolaou, A.N. (2018): Vadose Zone Journal
Floodplains as a Source of Fine Sediment in Grazed Landscapes: Tracing the Source of Suspended Sediment in the Headwaters of a Intensively Managed Agricultural Landscape. Yu, M. and Rhoads, B.L. (2018): Geomorphology
Historical changes in channel network extent and channel planform in an intensively managed landscape: Natural versus human-induced effects. Rhoads, B.L., Lewis, Q.W., and Andresen, W. (2015): Geomorphology
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