George Greer's research aims to improve prediction of habitat for fish such as salmon and steelhead trout which depend upon summer cold water refugia for rearing their young and survival. George is particularly interested in the habitat created when cold water tributaries enter larger, but warmer streams. He studies the mixing and dynamics of these confluences, and the situations in which the extent of the habitat created can and cannot be predicted using simple scaling models. His work takes the Eel River Critical Zone Observatory as a case study site.
2020 (In Press)
Tributary confluences are dynamic thermal refuges for a juvenile salmonid in a warming river network. Wang, T., Kelson, S.J., Greer, G., Thompson, S.E., and S.M. Carlson (2020): River Research and Applications
Evaluating definitions of salmonid thermal refugia using in situ measurements in the Eel River, Northern California . Greer, G., Carlson, S.M, and Thompson, S.E. (2019): Ecohydrology
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