Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of California Berkeley
Fung's page
Professor of Environmental Science Policy and Management, University of California Berkeley
Fung's page
ScD, Meteorology, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1977
We study the interactions between climate change and biogeochemical cycles, and focus on the processes that maintain and alter the composition of the atmosphere, and hence the climate. A question driving my research is how will atmospheric CO2 and climate co-evolve, and what we can do about it. We continue to analyze atmospheric, land and ocean observations pertinent to the carbon cycle, and to synthesize them in atmospheric transport models to infer how CO2 sources and sinks have been changing. We are also using the coupled carbon-climate model at NCAR to project how land and ocean carbon sinks will change with accelerating global warming and with human activities. A not surprising finding is that the droughts have diminished, and will continue to diminish, the land uptake of CO2.
Controls on solute concentration-discharge relationships revealed by simultaneous hydrochemistry observations of hillslope runoff and stream flow: The importance of critical zone structure. Kim, Hyojin, William E. Dietrich, Benjamin M. Thurnhoffer, Jim K. B. Bishop, and Inez Y. Fung (2017): Water Resources Research, 53:1424-1443 Cross-CZO
Process dominance shift in solute chemistry as revealed by long-term high-frequency water chemistry observations of groundwater flowing through weathered argillite underlying a steep forested hillslope. Kim, Hyojin Bishop, James K B Dietrich, William E. Fung, Inez Y. (2014): Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta 140: 1-19.
Species differences in the seasonality of evergreen tree transpiration in a Mediterranean climate: Analysis of multiyear, half-hourly sap flow observations. Link, P., K. Simonin, H. Maness, J. Oshun, T. Dawson, and I. Fung (2014): Water Resources Research
Vegetation induced changes in the stable isotope composition of near surface humidity . Simonin, K.A., Link, P., Rempe, D., Miller, S., Oshun, J., Bode, C., Dietrich, W.E., Fung, I. and Dawson T.E. (2014): EcoHydrology 7(3): 936-949.
Autonomous water sampling for long-term monitoring of trace metals in remote environments. Kim, H, JKB Bishop, TJ Wood, IY Fung (2012): Environmental Science & Technology, V.46 (20): 11220-11226
Root functioning modifies seasonal climate. Lee, JE, RS Oliveira, TE Dawson, IY Fung (2005): Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, V.102 (49): 17576-17581
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Dynamic, structured heterogeneity of water isotopes inside hillslopes . Oshun, J., Dietrich, W.E., Dawson, T.E., and Fung, I. (2015): Water Resources Research
The Eel River Critical Zone Observatory: exploring how the critical zone will mediate watershed currencies and ecosystem response in a changing environment. Dietrich, WE, JK Bishop, SM Carlson, ME Power, and S Thompson (2013): NSF Proposal
Atmospheric, Watershed, Ecological, Stream and Ocean Model
Modeling long-term and large-scale consequences of CZ dynamics in the context of changes in climate, land use, and water mgmt.
30 Oct 2017 - Water Resources Research published a new special collection in September 2017 featuring concentration-discharge research from multiple CZOs.
10 Nov 2015 - San Francisco's KQED public television features the Eel River and the Southern Sierra CZOs in a production of QUEST, a science and technology...