ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×
Christina CZO was active 2009-2013 ×

2013 Publications

under construction

Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.

19 Publications


SI2-SSI: The community-driven BiG CZ software system for integration and analysis of bio- and geoscience data in the critical zone. Aufdenkampe, A.K., Zaslavsky, I., Mayorga, E., Horsburgh, J. and Lehnert K. (2013): Submitted to NSF Solicitation 13-525 Scientific Software Integration. Cross-CZO National


Sustaining Earth's Critical Zone - Basic Science and Interdisciplinary Solutions for Global Challenges. Banwart, S., Chorover, J., Gaillardet, J., Sparks, D., White, T., et al. (2013): The University of Sheffield, United Kingdom, ISBN: 978-0-9576890-0-8 Cross-CZO National


Critical Zone Science and Observatories. Brantley, S.L., White, T.S., Anderson, S.P., Bales, R.C., Chorover, J., McDowell, W.H. (2013): Abstract TH15D-01 presented at 2013 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 9-13 Dec. Cross-CZO National


Extreme storms and changes in particulate and dissolved organic carbon in runoff: Entering uncharted waters?. Dhillon, G., and S. Inamdar (2013): Geophysical Research Letters. Vol 40, 1-6


Developing a web application for the integration of real-world, scientific, problem-solving into the secondary classroom. Gill, S. E., Marcum-Dietrich, N. & Fraser, J. (2013): In A. D. Ritzhaupt & Swapna Kumar (Eds.) Cases on Educational Technology Implementation for Facilitating Learning. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.


Solute-specific scaling of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus uptake in streams. Hall, R. O., Jr., M. A. Baker, E. J. Rosi-Marshall, J. L. Tank, and J. D. Newbold (2013): Biogeosciences 10:7323-7331 Cross-CZO


Graduate Research Group White Paper: Cross-CZO Research Potential. Harpold, A.A., D. Karwan, J. Perdrial, J.A. Marshall, J. Driscoll, A. Neal, and C. Phillips (2013): Internal CZO publication Cross-CZO National


Temporal variation in end-member chemistry and its influence on runoff mixing patterns in a forested, Piedmont catchment. Inamdar, S.P., G. Dhillon, S. Singh, S. Dutta, D.F. Levia, D. Scott, M.J. Mitchell, J.T. Van Stan, & P. McHale (2013): Water Resources Research, 49: 1828–1844


Seawater circulation in sediments driven by interactions between seabed topography and fluid density. Konikow, L.F., Akhavan, M., C. Langevin, H.A. Michael, and A.H. Sawyer (2013): Water Resources Research, 49: 1386–1399


Biological lability of dissolved organic carbon in stream water and contributing terrestrial sources. McLaughlin, C., and L. A. Kaplan (2013): Freshwater Science 32(4):1219-1230


Measuring heterotrophic respiration rates of suspended particulate organic carbon from stream ecosystems. Richardson, D. C., J. D. Newbold, A. K. Aufdenkampe, P. G. Taylor, and L. A. Kaplan (2013): Limnology and Oceanography-Methods 11:247-261


Geologic effects on groundwater salinity and discharge into an estuary. Russoniello, C.J., C. Fernandez, J.F. Bratton, D.E. Krantz, J.F. Banaszak, A.S. Andres, L.F. Konikow, and H.A. Michael (2013): Journal of Hydrology, 498:1–12


Dynamic response of surface water-groundwater exchange to currents, tides, and waves in a shallow estuary. Sawyer, A.H., F. Shi, J. Kirby, H.A. Michael (2013): Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 118


Comparison of Two PARAFAC Models of Dissolved Organic Matter Fluorescence for a Mid-Atlantic Forested Watershed in the USA. Singh, S., S. Inamdar, and D. Scott (2013): Journal of Ecosystems


A variable source area for groundwater evapotranspiration: impacts on modeling stream flow. Tsang, Y.-P., Hornberger, G., Kaplan, L. A., Newbold, J. D. and Aufdenkampe, A. K. (2013): Hydrol. Process.


Evaluation of an instrumental method to reduce error in canopy water storage estimates via mechanical displacement. Van Stan J.T., K.A. Martin, J. Friesen, M.T. Jarvis, J.D. Lundquist, & D.F. Levia (2013): Water Resources Research