Collecting those samples from the right place and at the right moment often presents a substantial challenge for CZ scientists.
The CRB-CZO maintains a fleet of sampling devices -- automated water pumps, rain collectors, wells, lysimeters, piezometers, etc. -- and a large archive of previously collected soil, sediment, rock, water and vegetation samples. All are available to the broader research community.
Stroud Water Research Center's scientists and staff mobilized to take advantage of a rare opportunity: to collect water quality and climate change data from Hurricane Irene.
These photos show the pre-storm preparations and the post-storm conditions. Because the point of deploying autosamplers was to keep the staff out of the worst of the storm, and because Irene passed over us during the night of August 27, 2011, we don't have any photos taken during the height of the storm.
For scientists at Stroud Water Research Center, the University of Delaware, and the University of Exeter, Hurricane Sandy was another golden opportunity to collect stormwater data that will be pivotal in addressing issues related to climate change.
Wells were drilled to for sample groundwater, soils, and rock sampling to a depth of 70-90 feet in a 100% forested area at the Brandywine Conservancy's Laurels Preserve. A number of new technologies were piloted including a mini-sonic Geoprobe drill rig and a multi-port flute liner.