ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×

Numerical Models

The RC CZO modeling approach will employ pedon-scale models to improve process understanding, hydrologic modeling to create high resolution distributed environmental parameters and carbon/ecosystem modeling to predict soil carbon distribution and identify weaknesses in conceptual knowledge and scaling efforts.

Integration of RC CZO datasets and models



Pedon-scale modeling

Landscape-scale modeling


SOC, SIC, nutrients, physical fractionation, other physio-chemical soil properties, mineral phases present

Provides both initial conditions and modeling targets for geochemical modeling

Constrain soil hydraulic and thermal properties, partition soil C between appropriate belowground model pools

Aboveground ground C stocks, foliar N

Not directly used, may provide system-level constraints

Assess partitioning of assimilated C to leaf and stem C, test assumption of N-limitation on vegetation GPP


Aboveground and belowground NPP

BNPP will constrain carbon production rates.

Assess simulated NPP in vegetation dynamics models


Input term at upper boundary of model domain

Constrain canopy C loss and input to soil C pools

Eddy flux NEE

Not directly used, may provide system-level constraints

Evaluate modeled ET and constrain NPP


Not directly used, may provide system-level constraints

Assess model partitioning of ET as transpiration

Litter decomposition

May impact upper boundary carbon input term

Constrain net rate of input of C to soil, partitioning of litter loss to decomposition and soil input

Soil respiration

Modeling target for CO2 generation/consumption

Evaluate simulated soil respiration rates

Soil lysimeter

Porewater chemistry will provide both initial conditions and modeling targets for geochemical modeling

Assess model partitioning of ET as soil evaporation