Eel River scientists, lead by co-PI Mary Power, hosted “Algal Forays” at the Angelo Coast Range Reserve, so that citizens of the Eel and other North Coast rivers, including members of tribes along the Klamath, can learn to identify algae and distinguish the “good from the bad from the slimy”. The Eel River CZO and Eel River Recovery Project (EERP) citizen scientists have partnered in basin-scale surveillance, exchanging and coordinating monitoring methods and data to track changes in salmonids, algae and channel environments. The EERP formed when citizens of the Eel River in northwestern California were concerned about diminishing flows, recovery of salmonids, and recent toxic algal blooms. Now, in partnership, the EERP and Eel River CZO along with tribal members living along north coast watersheds, and other concerned citizens are working to understand where, when, and why algal assemblages in our watersheds tip from salmon-supporting diatoms to cyanobacterial domination.
Algal Foray class learning out to identify different algae.
Computer image examing algae
06 Nov 2018 - Marshall Receives 2018 Luna B. Leopold Young Scientist Award
06 Apr 2017 - 2017 CZO Webinar Series: Critical Zone and Society.
14 Jul 2015 - The Eel River CZO is featured on the Morrison Planetarium show “Habitat Earth” at the California Academy of Sciences. The theme...
17 Apr 2014 - The Eel River Recovery Project's annual Water Day was a success on Sunday, April 13th, 2014.