M.S. Student, Soil and Water Sciences Department, University of Florida
Pachon's page
B.S., Science of Natural and Environmental Resources (major) and Soil Science (minor), Cornell University, 2014
Julio is using laser diffraction methods to quantify the particle size distribution of soil and subsoil samples from the Calhoun CZO. Julio’s work not only reveals how pedogenic gradients across the southeastern United States influence soil particle size distribution, but also how soil particle size distribution controls Earth surface properties and processes (including traditional soil biogeochemical properties, visible near infrared spectral properties, and even forest ecosystem C and N response to management). Julio is a member of Allan Bacon's Environmental Pedology and Land Use lab at the University of Florida.
Soil production and the soil geomorphology legacy of Grove Karl Gilbert. Richter, Daniel D., Martha-Cary Eppes, Jason C. Austin, Allan R. Bacon, Sharon A. Billings, Zachary Brecheisen, Terry A. Ferguson, Daniel Markewitz, Julio Pachon, Paul A. Schroeder, Anna M. Wade (2020): Soil Science Society of America Journal 84(1): 1-20
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Predicting Saturated Hydraulic Conductivity with Rapid Estimates of Soil Microaggregation. Pachon, Julio C., Daniel Richter, Daniel Markewitz, Aaron Thompson, Anna Wade, Rachel Ryland, and Allan R. Bacon (2019): ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, 10-13 Nov. 2019, San Antonio, Texas
Fine earth aggregates and aggregating particles at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. Pachon, Julio Cesar, Allan Roy Bacon, Daniel deB. Richter (2017): Soil Science Society of America International Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, 22-25 Oct. 2017
A new way to look at soil aggregation and aggregating particles: What laser diffraction tells us. Pachon, Julio, Allan Bacon, Kayci Kowalski, and Joshua Butterick, Dan Richter, Aaron Thompson, Madison K. Akers, Joshua Cucinella, Rosvel Bracho-Garrillo, John M. Davis, Sabine Grunwald, Eric J Jokela, Michael Kane, Marshall A. Laviner, Daniel Markewitz, Timothy Martin, Gary F. Peter, C. Wade Ross, and Jason G. Vogel (2017): Southeastern Biogeochemistry Symposium, Athens, GA, 31 March-2 April 2017
Gilbert’s soil production paradigm and a critical zone’s size-dependent fractionation of particles. Richter, D.deB., J. Austin, R. Anderson, A. Bacon, S. Brantley, Z. Brecheisen, A. Cherkinsky, W.S. Holbrook, V. Marcon, J.Pachon, P. Schroeder, A. Thompson, and A. Wade (2017): Critical Zone Science: Current Advances and Future Opportunities, Arlington, VA, 4-6 June, 2017 Cross-CZO