Associate Professor of Environmental Science, Roanoke College
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PhD, Environment, Duke University, 2000
Katherine O’Neill studies how management practices, disturbance, and land-cover change alter fundamental ecosystem processes, such as cycling of nutrients, soil organic matter storage, and soil productivity. The practical objective of her work is to provide landowners, managers, and policy-makers with a basis for the sustainable management of productive ecosystems.
Ideas and perspectives: Strengthening the biogeosciences in environmental research networks. Richter, D.D., S.A. Billings, P.M. Groffman, E.F. Kelly, K.A. Lohse, W.H. McDowell, T.S. White, S. Anderson, D.D. Baldocchi, S. Banwart, S. Brantley, J.J. Braun, Z.S. Brecheisen, C.W. Cook, H.E. Hartnett, S.E. Hobbie, J. Gaillardet, E. Jobbagy, H.F. Jungkunst, C.E. Kazanski, J. Krishnaswamy, D. Markewitz, K. O’Neill, C.S. Riebe, P. Schroeder, C. Siebe, W.L. Silver, A. Thompson, A. Verhoef, G. Zhang (2018): Biogeosciences 15: 4815-4832 Cross-CZO National
Cultivating a sense of place in the southern Piedmont using Esri Story Maps. O'Neill, Katherine P., Jane F. Rice, and Daniel deB Richter (2017): In The Trenches, Volume 7, Oct 2017
Special issue of The Earth Scientist about the Critical Zone and the US NSF Critical Zone Observatory (CZO) program. CZO Education/Outreach team (2016): The Earth Scientist, Volume XXXII, Issue 3, Fall 2016 Cross-CZO National
Learning from the "deep changes in the land": The Critical Zone perspective in environmental science education. O'Neill, K., and Richter, D. (2016): The Earth Scientist 32 (3): 25-27 Cross-CZO National
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Estimating soil erosion potential at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory using a spatially-explicit RUSLE model. Martin C., K.P. O’Neill (2017): Virginia GIS/LIS Conference. Blacksburg VA, April 5, 2017
Water resources and the Earth’s critical zone: Diving below the surface to reach far across the standards. O’Neill K.P., T. Poelzing (2017): Virginia Environmental Education Conference, Virginia Environmental Education Association, Front Royal, VA, Oct. 11, 2017
Digging deep within the Earth’s critical zone to reach across the disciplines. O’Neill KP, T. Poelzing (2017): Copenhaver Institute "21st century skills: Inspiring creativity in the classroom", Salem VA, June 2017
Exploring landscape processes in South Carolina's southern piedmont using data from the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. O’Neill, K.P., D. DeB. Richter (2017): South Carolina Science Council, Nov. 10, 2017
Developing a "sense of place": Exploring the Earth's critical zone using ESRI Story Maps. Rice J., and K.P. O'Neill (2017): Virginia STEM Conference: Inspiring teachers, Lexington VA, Oct. 4, 2017
Calhoun CZO as an ancient geobiologic and land-use altered time machine. Richter, D. deB., J. Wang, R. Bras, D. Markewitz, D. Nelson, J. Austin, P. Schroeder, S.A. Billings, K. O’Neill, J. Giesen, W.S. Holbrook, and B. Carr (2017): Critical Zone Science: Current Advances and Future Opportunities, workshop in Arlington, VA, 4-6 June, 2017
Where ‘life meets rock’: A Critical Zone perspective on water management. O'Neill, K.P. (2016): National Capital Region American Water Resources Associatio, Washington, DC, April 8, 2016
Teaching in the zone: Engaging students through place-based, interdisciplinary science and research at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. O'Neill, K.P. (2016): Association of Environmental Studies and Sciences, Washington, DC, June 10, 2016
Place-based exploration of the southern Piedmont: The Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. O'Neill, K.P. (2016): North Carolina Science Teachers’ Association, Greensboro, NC, October 21, 2016
Exploring landscape processes in South Carolina’s southern Piedmont using data from the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. O'Neill, K.P. (2016): South Carolina Science Council Conference, Columbia SC, Nov 3, 2016
Adventures in the Earth's critical zone: The Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. O'Neill, K.P., and H. Morrison (2016): Virginia Association of Science Teachers, Williamsburg VA, Nov. 17, 2016
Seeing is believing: Exploring land use/land cover change in the southern Piedmont using virtual field trips. O'Neill, K. P. (2015): Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences, San Diego CA
The Earth’s Critical Zone as an integrating theme for undergraduate environmental science courses: A case study at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. O'Neill, K. P., and Richter, D. D. (2015): Association for Environmental Studies and Sciences, San Diego CA
Education and Outreach at the Calhoun CZO: Updates and Request for Input. O'Neill, K., and Ramey, A. (2015): Calhoun CZO 2015 Summer Science Meeting
Engaging students through virtual field trips: Calhoun CZO. O’Neill KP; Ramey AJ (2015): Virginia Association of Science Teachers, Chantilly VA, Nov. 21. (accepted)
Making connections: Linking human and natural systems through education and outreach at the Calhoun Critical Zone Observatory. O’Neill, K. P. (2015): Ecological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD
19 Jul 2020 - The activity familiarizes students with some of the environmental and human factors that contribute to accelerated rates of soil erosion.
02 Mar 2018 - This manuscript, led by Dan Richter with six Calzones co-authors, was just submitted to Biogeosciences Discussions.
09 Feb 2018 - Geophysics, Geochemistry, and Biogeochemistry of the Southern Piedmont Critical Zone
31 Oct 2017 - This issue of In the Trenches explores the richly interdisciplinary concept of the Critical Zone (CZ).
03 Oct 2016 - Just posted, thanks to efforts of Don Nelson, Kathy O'Neill, Mike Coughlan, Michael Lonneman, Zachary Meyers, and many other students, is an...
15 Nov 2015 - Associate Professor, Environmental Science, Roanoke College