Active + Alumnus
currently postdoc at Princeton, former grad student at Duke
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Calhoun Postdoc, Princeton University
Bartlett's page
PhD, Civil & Environmental Engineering, Duke University, 2016
M.S., Civil & Environmental Engineering, University of Southern Cailfornia, 2009
B.S., Civil Engineering, Brown University, 2005
My research investigates the interconnections between rainfall-runoff processes and ecosystem productivity. For rainfall-runoff processes, my research studies how ecohydrological controls, soil moisture dynamics, and stochastic rainfall influence the rainfall-runoff response both in space and time. I'm interested in using the rainfall-runoff response to further the study of the productivity of ecosystems as determined by the response of the soil-plant-atmosphere-continuum to various environmental factors such as nutrient availability, climate change (e.g., temperature, precipitation), and water scarcity. Of particular interest is the optimal leveraging of cultivations with different photosynthetic systems (C3, C4, and CAM) so as to maximize productivity while reducing costs related to land degradation, water consumption, and fertilizer application. An improved theoretical understanding of the plant system and the rainfall-runoff process could lead to more informed planning decisions.
Jump processes with deterministic and stochastic controls. Bartlett, Mark S., Amilcare Porporato, and Lamberto Rondoni (2019): Physical Review E 100(4), 042133
State dependent jump processes: Ito–Stratonovich interpretations, potential, and transient solutions. Bartlett, M.S., and A. Porporato (2018): arXiv:1807.01848
A class of exact solutions of the Boussinesq equation for horizontal and sloping aquifers. Bartlett, M.S., and A. Porporato (2018): Water Resources Research 54 (2): 767-778
Similarities in the evolution of plants and cars. Hartzell, Samantha, Mark Bartlett, Jun Yin, Amilcare Porporato (2018): PLoS ONE 13(6): e0198044
Unified representation of the C3, C4, and CAM photosynthetic pathways with the Photo3 model. Hartzell, Samantha, Mark S. Bartlett, and Amilcare Porporato (2018): Ecological Modelling 384: 173-187
Beyond the SCS-CN method: Theoretical framework for spatially-lumped rainfall-runoff response. Bartlett, M.S., A.J. Parolari, J.J. McDonnell, and A. Porporato (2016): Water Resources Research 52(6): 4608-4627
Framework for event-based semidistributed modeling that unifies the SCS-CN method, VIC, PDM, and TOPMODEL. Bartlett, M.S., A.J. Parolari, J.J. McDonnell, and A. Porporato (2016): Water Resources Research 52 (9): 7036-7052
Stochastic rainfall-runoff model with explicit soil moisture dynamics. Bartlett, M.S., E. Daly, J.J. McDonnell, A.J. Parolari, A. Porporato (2015): Proceedings of the Royal Society A 471(2183): 20150389
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Agricultural risk management under climate variability: the role of crop diversification. Porporato, Amilcare M., Samantha R Hartzell, Mark S Bartlett (2018): American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, December 10-14, 2018
Rainfall-runoff response informed by exact solutions of Boussinesq equation on hillslopes. Bartlett, M. S., Jr.; Porporato, A. M. (2017): American Geophysical Union 2017 Fall Meeting, 11-15 Dec. 2017, New Orleans, LA
Mean field approach to watershed hydrology. Bartlett, M.S., and A. Porporato (2016): European Geophysical Union General Assembly 2016, Vienna, Austria
Crop water use and runoff in agricultural watersheds under hydro-climatic variability. Bartlett, M.S., and A. Porporato (2016): Invited talk at North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC July 14, 2016
Mean field approach to watershed hydrology. Bartlett, M.S., and A. Porporato (2016): CUAHSI 2016 Biennial Colloquium, Shepherdstown, WV
A mean field approach to the watershed response under stochastic seasonal forcing. Bartlett, M.S., I. Rodriguez-Iturbe, and A.M. Porporato (2016): American Geophysical Union 2016 Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA
A Mean Field Approach to Watershed Hydrology. Bartlett, Mark Stephan, Jr. (2016): PhD Dissertation, Duke University, Durham, North Carolina
Mean field approach to watershed hydrology. Porporato, A., M. Bartlett (2016): Calhoun CZO 2016 Summer Science Meeting, Clinton, SC