In 2016 a 30 foot tall flux tower was installed in a young pine stand in research area 1. The heavily instrumented tower is complemented with gas well going down to 5-m below the soil surface.
16 °C Temp
1250 mm Precip
Parent Field Area:
Calhoun CZO Research Area 1 ▲
The flux tower installed August 17, 2016 in the young pine stand at the Calhoun Long Term Soil Experiment site.
On August 17, 2016 a crew from Georgia Tech led by graduate student Yao Tang and professor Jingfeng Wang, with a little help from the folks at Duke, installed a heavily instrumented 9-meter (30-foot) flux tower in the young pine stand at the long-term soil experiment site.
Instruments installed on the Campbell UT 30 tower include a LI-7500A (for CO2/H2O measurements), CS215/L100PT (T and RH), CNR4 net radiometer, and an RM Young Model 81000 Ultrasonic Anemometer (wind speed). There's also an SI-111 at 1m (infrared thermometer for Ts), a TB4 rain gauge at ground level, and just below the surface a CS616 (soil moisture), 107L (soil T), and Hukseflux HFP01 (soil heat flux). The array is powered by a number of solar panels attached to deep-cycle batteries.
Earlier in the same plot the Duke crew installed 0.5, 1.5, 3, and 5-m deep gas wells and a 5-m deep hydroprobe well.
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