Outreach / Education Research is one of more than 16 discipline tags that we use to categorize and aggregate our interdisciplinary information within and across CZOs. Much of our information has been tagged with 2-3 disciplines.
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Debates—Does Information Theory Provide a New Paradigm for Earth Science? Causality, Interaction, and Feedback. Goodwell, A.E., Jiang, P., Ruddell, B.L., and Kumar, P. (2020): Water Resources Research
Debates—Does Information Theory Provide a New Paradigm for Earth Science?. Kumar, P. and Gupta, H.V. (2020): Water Resources Research
2016 (In Press)
The Wabash sampling blitz: A case study on the effectiveness of citizen science. Logsdon, R.A., S. Peel, L.C. Bowling, M.H. Haas, R.F. Turco, J.R. Frankenberger, and I. Chaubey (2016): Citizen Science: Theory and Practice
Frontiers in International Critical Zone Science - Beijing, China Workshop Report. Banwart, S. and Zhu, C. (2015): Beijing Workshop Report, May 21-23, 2014 Cross-CZO National
Bi-national research and education cooperation in the US-China EcoPartnership for Environmental Sustainability 7 (4):. Filley, T.R., Li, M., Zhuang, J., Yu, G., Sayler, G., Ouyang, Z., Han, X., Zhang, X., Jiang, G., Zhou, C., Wang, F., and Bickham, J.W. (2015): Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy
Promoting US-China Critical Zone Science Collaboration and Coordination Through Established Subnational Bilateral Science Partnerships: The US-China EcoPartnership for Economic and Environmental Sustainability. Filley, Timothy (2015): 2015 AGU (American Geophysical Union) Fall Meeting
01 Jan 2018 - A 15-week semester-long upper-level undergraduate course curriculum entitled “Introduction to Critical Zone Science” is now available free online.
21 Jun 2017 - Scientists obtain comprehensive view of agricultural ecosystems
29 Jun 2016 - IML-CZO recently hosted a workshop to help teachers learn new ways to engage students in science learning.
05 Feb 2016 - By Tony Moton | Jul 30, 2015 In the writings of Mark Twain, one of the activities Tom Sawyer and Huckleberry Finn enjoyed most was doing a...
05 Feb 2016 - Nick Fetty, For the Press-Citizen 7:27 p.m. CDT July 30, 2015 MUSCATINE – In both sports and academics, universities often compete with...
05 Feb 2016 - August 17, 2015 | Nick Fetty This week’s On the Radio segment looks at a partnership between Big Ten schools to improve farmland and...
05 Feb 2016 - Nick Fetty | July 30, 2015 Roughly 30 students, professors, and researchers from six different institutions met in Muscatine this week to discuss...
05 Feb 2016 - KC McGinnis | July 21, 2015 University of Iowa environmental science students are gaining tangible experience measuring water quality outside of...
04 Nov 2015 - This video portrays an artistic rendition of Critical Zone Observatory for Intensively Managed Landscapes (http://imlczo.org).
Understanding the Critical Zone in the Clear Creek Watershed
Clear Creek Amana Elementary School.