Graduate Student
Univ of Tenn-Knoxville - University of Tennessee-Knoxville
Abban's Univ of Tenn-Knoxville page
PhD, Civil and Environmental engineering, University of Tennessee-Knoxville, In Progress
Which controlling variables govern watershed response in terms of runoff and sediment fluxes; at what scales are the variables important; and what are the spatiotemporal scaling laws between these variables, runoff, and sediment?
The impact of tillage row orientation on physical and chemical sediment enrichment. Wacha, K.M., Papanicolaou, A.N., Abban, B.K., Wilson, C.G., Giannopoulos, C.P., Hou, T., Filley, T.R., and Hatfield, J.L. (2020): Agrosystems, Geosciences, and Environment
The Migration Diary of a Knickpoint in a Channelized Stream with a Cohesive Bed. Papanicolaou, A.N., Thomas, J.T., Wilson, C.G., Abban, B.K.B., Bettis, E.A., and Elhakeem, M (2019): Water Resources Research
Understanding saturated hydraulic conductivity under seasonal changes in climate and land use. Elhakeem, M., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wilson, C.G., Chang, Y.-J., Burras, L., Abban, B., Wysocki, D.A., and Wills, S. (2018): Geoderma
Flow Resistance Interactions on Hillslopes With Heterogeneous Attributes: Effects on Runoff Hydrograph Characteristics. Papanicolaou, A.N., Abban, B., Dermisis, D., Giannopoulos, C., Flanagan, D., Frankenberger, J., and Wacha, K. (2018): Water Resources Research
Dynamic Flow Resistance Interactions between Landscape Attributes and Overland Flow: Effects on Runoff Hydrograph Characteristics. Papanicolaou, A.N., Abban, B., Dermisis, D.C., Giannopoulos, C.P., Flanagan, D.C., Frankenberg, J.R., and Wacha, K.M. (2018): Water Resources Research
Flow Resistance Interactions on Hillslopes With Heterogeneous Attributes: Effects on Runoff Hydrograph Characteristics. Papanicolaou, A.N., Abban, B.K., Dermisis, D.C., Giannopoulos, C.P., Flanagan, D.C., Frankenberger, J.R., and Wacha, K.M. (2018): Water Resources Research
The Role of Hydraulic Connectivity and Management on Soil Aggregate Size and Stability in the Clear Creek Watershed, Iowa. Wacha, K.M., Papanicolaou, A.N. Giannopoulos, C.P., Abban, B.K., Wilson, C.G., Zhou, S., Hatfield, J.L., Filley, T.R., and Hou, T. (2018): Geosciences
The Intensively Managed Landscape Critical Zone Observatory: A Scientific Testbed for Understanding Critical Zone Processes in Agroecosystems. Wilson, C.G., Abban, B., Keefer, L.L., Wacha, K., Dermisis, D., Giannopoulos, C., Zhou, S., Goodwell, A.E., Woo, D.K., Yan, Q., Ghadiri, M., Stumpf, A., Pitcel, M., Lin, Y-F, Marini, L., Storsved, B., Goff, K., Vogelgesang, J., Dere, A., Schilling, K.E., Muste, M., Blair, N.E., Rhoads, B., Bettis, A., Pai, H., Kratt, C., Sladek, C., Wing, M., Selker, J., Tyler, S., Lin, H., Kumar, P., and Papanicolaou, A.N. (2018): Vadose Zone Journal
Chapter 65: Channel Erosion and Sediment Transport . Papanicolaou, A.N. and Abban, B. (2017): Handbook of Applied Hydrology, Second Edition
Quantifying the changes of soil surface microroughness due to rainfall impact on a smooth surface. Abban, B., Papanicolaou, A.N., Giannopoulos, C.P., Dermisis, D.C., Wacha, K.M., Wilson, C.G., and Elhakeem, M. (2017): Nonlinear Processes in Geophysics
Coupling flow with nutrient dynamics via BioChemFOAM in the Mississippi River. Hernandez Murcia, O.E., Schnoebelen, D.J., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Abban, B. (2017): Journal of Applied Water Engineering and Research
An enhanced Bayesian fingerprinting framework for studying sediment source dynamics in intensively managed landscapes. Abban, B., Papanicolaou, A.N., Cowles, M.K., Wilson, C.G., Abaci, O., Wacha, K., Schilling, K., and Schnoebelen, D. (2016): Water Resources Research
Dynamic Assessment of Current Management in an Intensively Managed Agroecosystem. Wilson, C.G., Wacha, K.M., Papanicolaou, A.N., Sander, H.,A., Freudenberg, V.B., Abban, B.K., and Zhao, C (2016): Journal of Contemporary Water Research & Education
From soilscapes to landscapes: A landscape-oriented approach to simulate soil organic carbon dynamics in intensively managed landscapes. Papanicolaou, A.N., K.M. Wacha, B.K. Abban, C.G. Wilson, J. Hatfield, C. Stanier, and T. Filley (2015): Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences
Effects of Land Cover on Streamflow Variability in a Small Iowa Watershed: Assessing Future Vulnerabilities. Schilling, K., M. Streeter, K. Hutchinson, C.G. Wilson, B.K. Abban, K.M. Wacha and A.N. Papanicolaou (2015): American Journal of Environmental Sciences
A Model for Knickpoint Migration in First- and Second-order Streams. Bressan, F., Papanicolaou, A.N., and Abban, B. (2014): Geophysical Research Letters, 41, 4987–4996
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Agricultural soil erosion and soil organic carbon (SOC) dynamics in the US Midwest: Bridging the knowledge gap across scales. Papanicolaou, A.N., Dermisis, D., Wacha, K., Abban, B., and Wilson C. (2011): The Geological Society of America Meeting
22 Apr 2016 - Three IML-CZO researchers recently co-authored an article in Hydrolink magazine which examined the Hydraulics and Sedimentation Laboratory (HSL) at...
04 Feb 2016 - A closer look at cultivated land informs actions to protect the vitality of our soil.