On Oct 20-24, 2015 Purdue University hosted a conference and workshop dedicated to Critical Zone Science, Sustainability, and Services in a Changing World. Organized by the U.S.-China EcoPartnership for Environmental Sustainability, the Intensively Managed Landscapes Critical Zone Observatory (CZO), and the Working Group on Organic Matter Dynamics in the Critical Zone Observatory Network, the gathering brought together over 150 leading researchers and their students, with 54 traveling from China, to share the latest science related to terrestrial ecosystem function and vulnerability, and to discuss and debate options for sustainable use of natural resources. The program included two regional field trips, a training workshop, 35 poster presentations and 54 oral presentations. The gathering provided an important venue for the next generation of critical zone scientists as nearly one third of the attendees were graduate students, post doctoral researchers, and research associates. The conference attracted broad institutional participation with 22 U.S., 1 U.K., and 16 Chinese Academic and research institutions represented. Members Of the newly funded China Critical Zone Observatory Network were also in attendance and engaged in discussions to promote bi-national cross-CZO research.
Learn more about this conference and workshop in the available brief summary: English version | Chinese verison.
Conference and workshop participants
Eco-partnership CZO Conference Summary (English version)
(896 KB pdf)
Ecopartnership CZO Conference Summary (English
Eco-partnership CZO Conference Summary (Chinese version)
(1 MB pdf)
Eco-partnership CZO Conference Summary (Chinese version)