Director; Vanderbilt Institute for Energy & Environment; Vanderbilt University
Vanderbilt - Vanderbilt University
Hornberger's Vanderbilt page
Ph.D. , Hydrology , Stanford University, 1970
Understanding how hydrological processes affect the transport of dissolved and suspended constituents through catchments and aquifers is one of the main aims of studies of Earth surface processes. Water is “the universal solvent.” Water chemically weathers rocks and soils, carrying dissolved salts from the continents to the seas. It interacts with decaying vegetation and carries organic carbon seaward. Water readily carries chemicals that humans use to the sea, including fertilizers and other agrochemicals. The global water cycle is thus linked to other element cycles, for example, to carbon and nitrogen cycles, and is inextricably linked with a host of ecosystem functions. Moving water carries suspended solids as well as dissolved salts, so the water cycle is also closely tied to cycles of erosion and sedimentation.
CZO Research Groups
The delivery of dissolved organic carbon from a forest hillslope to a headwater stream. Mei, Y. Hornberger, G., Kaplan, L. A., Newbold, J. D., & Aufdenkampe, A. K. (2014): Water Resources Research 50 (7): 5774–5796
A variable source area for groundwater evapotranspiration: impacts on modeling stream flow. Tsang, Y.-P., Hornberger, G., Kaplan, L. A., Newbold, J. D. and Aufdenkampe, A. K. (2013): Hydrol. Process.
Estimation of dissolved organic carbon contribution from hillslope soils to a headwater stream. Mei, Y., G. M. Hornberger, L. A. Kaplan, J. D. Newbold, and A. K. Aufdenkampe (2012): Water Resour. Res. 48(9)
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
The Delivery Of Dissolved Organic Carbon From Forest Soils To A Head Water Stream . Mei, V., G.M. Hornberger, L. Kaplan, J. D. Newbold, A. K. Aufdenkampe. (2010): Abstract H53B-1031. AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, December 13-17
Penn State Integrated Hydrological Model for Dissolved Organic Carbon
PIHM is a physically based, fully distributed hydrological model
Integrated one dimensional physically-based dissolved organic carbon model
A one-dimensional transport model for heat, and biodegradeable and refractory dissolved organic carbon in soils
Two-dimensional finite element model for hillslope DOC
Physically based model of water, heat, refractory DOC and biodegradable DOC transport on a 2D (vertical cross section) hillslope