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Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
24 Publications
Growing new generations of critical zone scientists. Wymore, Adam S., Nicole R. West, Kate Maher, Pamela L. Sullivan, Adrian Harpold, Diana Karwan, Jill A. Marshall, Julia Perdrial, Daniella M. Rempe and Lin Ma (2017): Earth Surface Processes and Landforms 42 (14): 2498-2502 Cross-CZO National
Variation in Biological Soil Crust Bacterial Abundance and Diversity as a Function of Climate in Cold Steppe Ecosystems in the Intermountain West, USA. Blay, E.S., Schwabedissen, S.G., Magnuson, T.S., Aho, K., Sheridan, P.P., and K.A. Lohse (2017): Microbial Ecology 74 (3): 691–700
Designing a network of critical zone observatories to explore the living skin of the terrestrial Earth. Brantley, S.L., McDowell, W.H., Dietrich, W.E., White, T.S., Kumar, P., Anderson, S., Chorover, J., Lohse, K.A., Bales, R.C., Richter, D., Grant, G., and Gaillardet, J. (2017): Earth Surface Dynamics, 5, 841–860 Cross-CZO National
Reviews and syntheses: on the roles trees play in building and plumbing the critical zone. Brantley, Susan L., David M. Eissenstat, Jill A. Marshall, Sarah E. Godsey, Zsuzsanna Balogh-Brunstad, Diana L. Karwan, Shirley A. Papuga, Joshua Roering, Todd E. Dawson, Jaivime Evaristo, Oliver Chadwick, Jeffrey J. McDonnell, Kathleen C. Weathers (2017): Biogeosciences, 14, 5115-5142 Cross-CZO National
Regional sensitivities of seasonal snowpack to elevation, aspect, and vegetation cover in western North America. Christopher J. Tennant, Adrian A. Harpold, Kathleen Ann Lohse, Sarah E. Godsey, Benjamin T. Crosby, Laurel G. Larsen, Paul D. Brooks, Robert W. Van Kirk, Nancy F. Glenn (2017): Water Resources Research 53 Cross-CZO National
Block-controlled hillslope form and persistence of topography in rocky landscape. Glade, RC, Anderson, RS, and Tucker, GE (2017): Geology (2017) 45 (4): 311-314. Cross-CZO
Spatial modeling for resources framework (SMRF): A modular framework for developing spatial forcing data for snow modeling in mountain basins. Havens, S., Marks, D., Kormos, P., and A. Hedrick (2017): Computers and Geosciences
How soil water storage moderates climate changes effects on transpiration, across the different climates of the Critical Zone Observatories. Heckman, C.; Tague, C. (2017): Fall Meeting, American Geophysical Union, December 2017. Abstract H23H-1777. Cross-CZO National
Effects of long-term experimental manipulations of precipitation and vegetation on carbon and nitrogen dynamics in a cold desert ecosystem. Huber, D. (2017): Idaho State University
Controls on solute concentration-discharge relationships revealed by simultaneous hydrochemistry observations of hillslope runoff and stream flow: The importance of critical zone structure. Kim, Hyojin, William E. Dietrich, Benjamin M. Thurnhoffer, Jim K. B. Bishop, and Inez Y. Fung (2017): Water Resources Research, 53:1424-1443 Cross-CZO
Meteorological, snow, streamflow, topographic, and vegetation height data from four western juniper-dominated experimental catchments in southwestern Idaho, USA. Kormos, P.R., Marks, D.G., Pierson, F.B., Williams, C.J., Hardegree, S.P., Boehm, A.R., Havens, S.C., Hedrick, A., Cram, Z.K., and T.J. Svejcar (2017): Earth System Science Data
Lidar aboveground vegetation biomass estimates in shrublands: Prediction, uncertainties and application to coarser scales. Li, A., Dhakal, S., Glenn, N.F., Spaete, L.P., Shinneman, D.J., Pilliod, D.S., Arkle, R.S. and S. McIlroy (2017): Remote Sensing
Reynolds Creek Critical Zone Observatory Annual Report 2017. Lohse, K. (2017): Reynolds Creek CZO, University of Idaho
Geochemical evolution of the Critical Zone across variable time scales informs concentration-discharge relationships: Jemez River Basin Critical Zone Observatory. McIntosh J.C., Schaumberg C., Perdrial J., Harpold A., Vázquez-Ortega A., Rasmussen C., Vinson D., Zapata-Rios X., Brooks P.D., Meixner T., Pelletier J., Derry L., Chorover J. (2017): Water Resources Research 53(5): 4169–4196 Cross-CZO National
Form and function relationships revealed by long-term research in a semiarid mountain catchment. McNamara, J.P., Benner, S.G., Poulos, M.J., Chandler, D., Marshall, H.P., Flores, A.N., Seyfried, M., and N.F. Glenn (2017): WIREs Water
Form and function relationships revealed by long-term research in a semiarid mountain catchment. McNamara, J.P., Benner, S.G., Poulos, M.J., Chandler, D., Marshall, H.P., Flores, A.N., Seyfried, M., and N.F. Glenn (2017): WIREs Water
Form and function relationships revealed by long-term research in a semiarid mountain catchment. McNamara, J.P., Benner, S.G., Poulos, M.J., Chandler, D., Marshall, H.P., Flores, A.N., Seyfried, M., and N.F. Glenn (2017): WIREs Water
Spatiotemporal soil and saprolite moisture dynamics across a semi-arid woody plant gradient. Niemeyer, R.J., Heinse, R., Link, T.E., Seyfried, M.S., Klos, P.Z., Williams, C.J., and T. Nielson (2017): Journal of Hydrology
Climate moderates potential shifts in streamflow from changes in pinyon-juniper woodland cover across the western US. Niemeyer, R.J., Link, T.E., Heinse, R., and M.S. Seyfried (2017): Hydrological Processes
Nitrogenase Activity by Biological Soil Crusts in Cold Sagebrush Steppe Ecosystems. Schwabedissen, S.G., Lohse, K.A., Reed, S.C., Aho, K.A., T.S. Magnuson (2017): Biogeochemistry 134 (1–2): 57–76
Fostering Collaboration Across the US Critical Zone Observatories Network. Sharkey, S. and White, T. (2017): 2017 American Geophysical Union Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, 11-15 Dec Cross-CZO National
On the rocks: quantifying storage of inorganic soil carbon on gravels and determining pedon-scale variability. Stanbery, C.J., Pierce, J.L., Benner, S.G., and K. Lohse (2017): Catena 157: 436-442
Riparian Vegetation of Ephermeral Streams. Stromberg, J., Setaroa, D., Gallo, E., Lohse, K., and T. Meixner (2017): Journal of Arid Environments
New Opportunities for Critical Zone Science. Sullivan, P.L., Wymore, A.S., McDowell, W.H. et al. (2017): 2017 CZO Arlington Meeting White Booklet Cross-CZO National