Professor of Ecohydrology with joint appointments in the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering, Department of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences, and the Division of Environmental and Ecological Engineering, Purdue University
Chaubey's page
PhD, Biosystems Engineering, Oklahoma State University, 1997
Coupled Surface Water – Groundwater Hydrology and Biogeochemistry; Water, Soil, Sediment and Landscape Connectivity: Short- and Long-Term Budgets
Control of tillage disturbance on the chemistry and proportion of raindrop-liberated particles from soil aggregates. Hou, T., Berry, T.D., Singh, S., Hughes, M., Tong, Y., Papanicolaou, A.N., Wacha, K.M., Wilson, C.G., Chaubey, I., and Filley, T.R. (2018): Geoderma
Watershed scale impacts of bioenergy crops on hydrology and water quality using improved SWAT model. Cibin, R. E. Trybula, I. Chaubey, S. Brouder, and J.J. Volenec (2016): Global Change Biology-Bioenergy
2016 (In Press)
The Wabash sampling blitz: A case study on the effectiveness of citizen science. Logsdon, R.A., S. Peel, L.C. Bowling, M.H. Haas, R.F. Turco, J.R. Frankenberger, and I. Chaubey (2016): Citizen Science: Theory and Practice
2016 (In Press)
Water quality estimation of river plumes in Southern Lake Michigan using Hyperion. Tan, J, K.A. Cherkauer, I. Chaubey, C.D. Troy, and R. Essig (2016): Journal of Great Lakes Research
Predictions in ungauged basins: an approach for regionalization of hydrological models considering the probability distribution of model parameters. Athira, P., K.P. Sudheer, R. Cibin, and I. Chaubey (2015): Stochastic Environmental Research and Risk Assessment 30 (4): 1131-1149
A computationally efficient approach for watershed scale spatial optimization. Cibin, R., and I. Chaubey (2015): Environmental Modelling and Software 66: 1-11
Hydrologic/water quality impacts and biomass production potential on marginal lands. Feng, Q., I. Chaubey, Y. Her, R. Cibin, B. Engel, J. Volenec, and X. Wang (2015): Environmental Modelling and Software 72: 230–238
2015 (In Press)
Effect of conservation practice implementation by USDA programs at field and watershed scales. Her, Y, I. Chaubey, and J. Frankenberger (2015): Journal of Soil and Water Conservation
Impact of the numbers of observations and calibration parameters on equifinality, model performance, and output and parameter uncertainty. Her, Y. and I. Chaubey (2015): Hydrological Processes 29 (19): 4220–4237
Simple parallel computing methods using ‘spmd’ and ‘parfar’ for improving efficiency of optimization in hydrologic model applications. Her, Y., C. Raj, and I. Chaubey (2015): Applied Engineering in Agriculture 31 (3): 455-468
Threshold effects in HRU definition of Soil and Water Assessment Tool. Her, Y., J. Frankenberger, I. Chaubey, and R. Srinivasan (2015): Transactions of the ASABE [American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers] 58(2):367-378
Defining Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) hydrologic response units (HRUs) by field boundaries. Kalcic, M.M., I. Chaubey, and J. Frankenberger (2015): International Journal of Agricultural and Biological Engineering 8 (3)
Spatial optimization of six conservation practices using SWAT in tile drained agricultural watersheds. Kalcic, M.M., J. Frankenberger, and I. Chaubey (2015): Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51 (4)
Adaptive targeting: Engaging farmers to improve targeting and adoption of agricultural conservation practices. Kalcic, M.M., J. Frankenberger, I. Chaubey, L. Prokopy, and L. Bowling (2015): Journal of the American Water Resources Association 51 (4)
Ecosystem services in Indiana agriculture: farmer and conservation perceptions. Logsdon, R.A., M.M. Kalcic1, E.M. Trybula, I. Chaubey, and J.R. Frankenberger (2015): International Journal of Biodiversity, Science, Ecosystem Services, and Management 11 (3): 264-282
A Web Tool for STORET/WQX Water Quality Data Retrieval and Best Management Practice Scenario Suggestion. Park, Y.S., B.A. Engel, J. Kim, L. Theller, I. Chaubey, V. Merwade, K.J. Lim (2015): Journal of Environmental Management 150: 21-27
Using field and remotely sensed hyperspectral data to quantify water quality parameters in the Wabash River and its tributary, Indiana. Tan, J., K.A. Cherkauer, and I. Chaubey (2015): International Journal of Remote Sensing 36 (21): 5466-5484
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