ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×

Higher Education

IML-CZO is a collaboration between a number of universities, including the University of Iowa, the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign, Iowa State University (Department of Agronomy in cooperation with the Comparison of Biofuels Systems [COBS] site), the University of Tennessee-Knoxville, the University of Minnesota, and the University of Nebraska-Omaha (among others). Students and faculty at these universities are working together to better understand the processes and science of the IML-CZO.

In addition, the IML-CZO is part of a Research Experiences for Undergraduates NSF proposal  through the Department of Geographical and Sustainability Sciences to further enhance student participation in this research.



Students enrolled in a geolog course at the University of Nebraska-Omaha collect a soil monolith.

Students collect water samples from pore water samplers.

IML-CZO’s University and Agency Partners

Course Name Course # Semester # of Students IML-CZO Content
Soil Genesis and Geomorphology EES:3360 Fall ’16 12 Described and sampled soils in Clear Creek Watershed. Used soil sensor data to analyze
energy and moisture flux through soil profiles
Water Quality CEE:4103 Summer ’17 18 Undertook biological assessment of Clear Creek, collected and analyzed stream and well water, and downloaded and analyzed stream sensor data
Critical Zone Science GEOL:4640 Spring ’17 12 Downloaded sensors, installed gravity lysimeter, analyzed meteorological and soil sensor data
Energy and the Environment CEE:203/ENV SCI203 (NU) Fall ’16 31 Described and used examples of the role of the critical zone to the production of biofuels and the resulting environmental impacts






Students collect water samples from pore water samplers.


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