ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×
Christina CZO was active 2009-2013 ×

Christopher K. Sommerfield


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Geological oceanography; coastal-estuarine sedimentary processes; tidal marsh morphodynamics

Associate Professor, University of Delaware
Univ. Delaware - University of Delaware
Sommerfield's Univ. Delaware page

Ph.D., Geological Oceanography, SUNY Stony Brook, 1997

Oceanographic research in my laboratory focuses on natural and anthropogenic influences on sedimentary dynamics in the coastal ocean. We conduct observational studies in a wide range of estuarine and marine environments to characterize flow, particle transport, and deposition, and how these processes influence the seafloor and coast. Our research explores basic questions concerning the flux and fate of land-derived geologic materials, while providing insight on dispersal of pollutants in coastal waters.


University of Delaware, College of Earth, Ocean, and Environment, 230 Cannon Laboratory, Newark, DE 19716