Eric Pierce (Oak Ridge National Laboratory) helps dig a midslope soil pit at the TN transect site.
The establishment of the shale transect has been possible with the help of several State Parks, including Big Ridge State Park in TN, Lake Guntersville State Park in AL, Whipple Dam State Park in PA and the Goshen National Wildlife Refuge in VA. The Woodhaven Wildlife Center in Chadwicks, NY has provided much support for the establishment of the NY transect site. The Centre for Ecology and Hydrology in Bangor, Wales, United Kingdom has shared decades of data and allowed us to continue research at Plynlimon. These collaborators continue to assist in furthering the science of the shale transect.
TN State Park Ranger Derek Wilson and Doug Dere inspect the weather station at Big Ridge State Park.
TN State Park Ranger Derek Wilson and Doug Dere inspect the weather station at Big Ridge State Park.
TN State Park Ranger Derek Wilson shares his knowledge of local vegetation and the history of Big Ridge State Park.
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