The Clear Creek Watershed Management Authority (CCWMA) is a newly created grassroots entity promoting sustainability and conservation of natural resources in the Clear Creek watershed. Art Bettis serves on the CCWMA Technical Advisory Board and provides access to selected sensor data, research results, and physical environment overviews for development of a comprehensive watershed planning document. Marian Muste is member of the Technical Committee of the CCWMA, participating regularly to the meetings. A new portal was created to share resources between the NSF projects and the CCWMA (
Work is underway in the Clear Creek Watershed!
IML personnel work with a variety of stakeholders in Clear Creek Watershed. Three farmers are deeply engaged in the project and are hosting sampling and monitoring infrastructure on their farms. These farmers also participate in tours for student groups and visiting scientists to explain their farming activities and how CZO activities are helping them improve land management. We led a tour in 2016 for land managers, agency personnel interested in land management and watershed issues, and consultants working with green infrastructure and farm BMPs. Our participation in the CCWMA allows us to interact with personnel from the NRCS, USGS, Iowa State University Extension, Iowa DNR, and local governments, including counties and cities. IML-CZO personnel also work closely with the Iowa Flood Center, as Clear Creek Watershed is one of the targeted watersheds in the Iowa Watershed Approach program, funded by HUD.
Given the common research watershed, the CNH team interacted closely with the NSF's Coupled Natural-Human Systems research group involved the project: People, Water, and Climate: Adaptation and Resilience in Agricultural Watersheds (BCS 1114978). The common research thread is the investigation of stream dynamics using an event-based approach.
30 Oct 2017 - Water Resources Research published a new special collection in September 2017 featuring concentration-discharge research from multiple CZOs.
06 Apr 2017 - 2017 CZO Webinar Series: Critical Zone and Society.
30 Jul 2015 - Purdue University will host a conference bringing together scientists from the U.S. and China to address global challenges involving the Earth's...