The SSHCZO meets annually for All Hands, a day of presentations by each research group to share findings and discuss upcoming research plans.
The Shale Hills CZO participates in annual international, national and regional conferences such as EGU, Goldschmidt, SoilTrEC, AGU, SSSA and GSA.
Since 2007, the SSHCZO has trained 20 graduate students in seven different disciplines across four colleges within Penn State. Please see associated document below for complete description.
Postdoctoral research at SSHCZO crosses disciplines and provides numerous opportunities for mentoring and development. Eleven scholars have worked with one or more faculty, engaging undergraduate students and fostering the new cohort of critical zone scientists.
In addition to undergraduate research at the Penn State University Park campus, our shale transect has provided research opportunities for 7 students at undergraduate serving institutions to complete and present their research.
December 9-13: 2019 AGU Fall Meeting, San Francisco, CA, USA
November 10-13: 2019 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, San Antonio, TX, USA
September 22-25: 2019 GSA Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ, USA
August 18-23: 2019 Goldschmidt Conference, Barcelona, Spain (click for program planner)
May 10: SSHCZO Annual All-Hands Meeting at Penn State - Continued student presentations from group research teams; poster session discussion of accomplishments, ideas for the future, and networking with off-campus colleagues; and discussions for a vision forward (See agenda/abstract volume below).
May 9: SSHCZO All-Hands Annual Meeting at Shaver's Creek Environmental Center Hamer Classroom - A day of student presentations from research groups, a trail walk with SCEC, a field trip to Cole Farm, and invited guest William Ouimet, Associate Professor of Geomorphology at University of Connecticut, presents the plenary seminar at 4:00pm on "Quantifying Anthropocene Landscape Change in Southern New England" in the Hamer Classroom at Shaver's Creek Environmental Center.
December 10-14: 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, DC, USA (click for program planner)
November 4-7: 2018 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MA, USA
November 4-7: 2018 GSA Annual Meeting, Indianapolis, IN, USA
August 12-17: 2018 Goldschmidt Conference, Boston, MA, USA (click for program planner)
May 11: SSHCZO Annual All-Hands Meeting at Penn State - Continued student presentations from Hypothesis Teams and discussions for a vision forward (See agenda/abstract volume below).
May 10: SSHCZO All-Hands Annual Meeting, Penn State University, PA - A day of student presentations from Hypothesis Teams, field trip to CZO, and invited guest Ying Fan Reinfelder, Professor of Rutgers University Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, will present the plenary seminar at 4:00pm on "Three Hydrologic Depths in the Earth’s Critical Zone – Linking Hillslope to Global Processes" in 114 EES Building.
April 8-13: EGU General Assembly 2018, Vienna, Austria
March 18-20: GSA Northeastern Section Meeting, Burlington, VT, USA
December 11-15: 2017 AGU Fall Meeting, New Orleans, LA, USA (click for program planner)
October 22-25: 2017 GSA Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA, USA (See agenda/abstract volume below)
October 22-25: 2017 ASA-CSSA-SSSA International Annual Meeting, Tampa, FL, USA
August 13-18: 2017 Goldschmidt Conference, Paris, France
May 12: SSHCZO Annual All-Hands Meeting at Penn State - Continued student presentations from Hypothesis Teams and discussions for a vision forward (See agenda/abstract volume below).
May 11: SSHCZO Annual All-Hands Meeting at Penn State - A day of student presentations from Hypothesis Teams, field trip to CZO, and invited guest Emily Elliott, Associate Professor at University of Pittsburgh will present the plenary seminar at 4:00pm on "Exploring AIR-WATER-ECOSYSTEM interactions of reactive nitrogen using stable isotope geochemistry" in 114 EES Building.
April 23-28: EGU General Assembly 2017, Vienna, Austria
March 19-21: Northeastern and North-Central GSA Joint Section Meeting, Pittsburgh, PA, USA
Dec 12-16: AGU Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA (click for program planner)
Nov 6-9: ASA-CSSA-SSSA in Phoenix, AZ
Sept 25-28: GSA Annual Meeting in Denver, CO (See our program planner below)
May 17: SSHCZO Annual All-Hands Meeting at Penn State - A full day of student presentations from each Hypothesis Team and discussions for the upcoming field season (See agenda/abstract volume below).
May 16: SSHCZO Annual All-Hands Meeting at Penn State - Invited guest Jorden Hayes, Assistant Professor at Dickinson College, will present “Porosity production and distribution in the deep critical zone at the Southern Sierra Critical Zone Observatory, California and the Laramie Mountains, Wyoming” at 4:00pm in 114 EES Building.
December 14-18: American Geophysical Union's 48th annual Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA (See our program planner below)
November 1-4: Geological Society of America Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MA (See our program planner below)
September 9-11: Workshop: Exploring Four Critical Puzzles about Trees, Water, and Soil: A Vision for Research (See agenda below)
May 12: A full day of student presentations from each Hypothesis Team and discussions for the upcoming field season (See agenda/abstract volume below).
May 11: Invited guest Dorothy Merritts, geomorphologist at Franklin & Marshall College, will meet with faculty, lunch with graduate students, field trip visit the CZO, and present our opening seminar "Lidar and Field Analysis of Periglacial Landforms and their Paleoclimatic Significance, Unglaciated Pennsylvania" at 4pm in 114 EES Building.
December 15-19: American Geophysical Union's 47th annual Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA (See our program below).
May 19–20: SSHCZO All Hands with invited guest Scott Mackay, ecohydrologist at SUNY at Buffalo, will meet with faculty, lunch with graduate students, field trip visit the CZO, and present our opening seminar "Plant hydraulics: Integrator of coupled processes in the critical zone" at 4pm in 117 EES Building (See our program and abstract volume below).
March 23–25: GSA Northeastern Section Meeting, Lancaster, PA (See our program planner below).
December 9–13: American Geophysical Union’s 46th annual Fall Meeting in San Francisco, CA (See our program planner below).
October 27–30: 125th Anniversary Annual Meeting & Exposition for the Geological Society of America (See our program planner below).
May 9th - Invited guest Kip Solomon, groundwater hydrologist at the University of Utah, will meet with faculty, lunch with graduate students, field trip visit the CZO, and present our opening seminar "Adding Time to Geochemical and Hydrologic Processes using Environmental Tracers" at 4pm in 301 Steidle Building.
May 10th - a full day of student presentations from each research discipline and discussions for the upcoming field season (See agenda below).
August 31st - An afternoon of presentations by investigators from each discipline followed by vision forward (See agenda below).
September 16th - An afternoon of presentations by students and investigators from each discipline followed by proposed ideas for the renewal (See agenda below).
Graduate Student Summary
(26 KB pdf)
summary of graduate students receiving degrees for research at the SSHCZO
Postdoctoral Summary
(23 KB pdf)
summary of postdoctoral scholars engaged in research at the SSHCZO
Undergraduate Summary
(34 KB pdf)
summary of research projects completed by undergraduate students at the SSHCZO or along the shale transect
All Hands 2013 Agenda
(74 KB docx)
summary of activities and schedule of presentations
All Hands 2012 Agenda
(71 KB docx)
summary of presentations by investigators
All Hands 2011 Agenda
(321 KB docx)
summary of presentations by investigators
GSA 2013 Program Planner
(1 MB pdf)
summary of presentations by investigators, collaborators, post-docs, and students
AGU 2013 Program Planner
(175 KB pdf)
summary of presentations by investigators, collaborators, post-docs, and students
2014 GSA Northeastern Section Annual Meeting
(246 KB pdf)
summary of presentations by investigators, collaborators, post-docs, and students
All Hands 2014 Agenda and Abstract Volume
(220 KB pdf)
summary of activities and schedule of presentations
AGU 2014 Program Planner
(22 KB docx)
summary of presentations by investigators, collaborators, post-docs, and students
All Hands 2015 Agenda and Abstract Volume
(2 MB pdf)
Meeting Agenda and Abstract Volume for oral and poster presentation
Exploring Four Critical Puzzles about Trees, Water, and Soil: A Vision for Research
(344 KB pdf)
Workshop agenda, participant listing, and introduction to the puzzles
GSA 2015 Program Planner
(1 MB pdf)
summary of presentations by investigators, collaborators, post-docs, and students
AGU 2015 Program Planner
(309 KB pdf)
summary of presentations by investigators, collaborators, post-docs, and students
All Hands 2016 Agenda and Abstract Volume
(1 MB pdf)
Meeting Agenda and Abstract Volume for oral and poster presentation
GSA 2016 Program Planner
(1 MB pdf)
summary of presentations by investigators, collaborators, post-docs, and students
All Hands 2017 Agenda and Abstract Volume
(2 MB pdf)
Meeting Agenda and Abstract Volume for oral and poster presentation
GSA 2017 Program Planner
(103 KB pdf)
summary of presentations by investigators, collaborators, post-docs, and students
All Hands 2018 Agenda and Abstract Volume
(592 KB pdf)
Meeting Agenda and Abstract Volume for oral and poster presentations
All Hands 2019 Agenda and Abstract Volume
(2 MB pdf)
Meeting Agenda and Abstract Volume for oral and poster presentations