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Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
16 Publications
Influences of catchment topography on carbon and dissolved metal concentrations in the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory. Andrews, D.M., Jin, L., Brantley, S.L. and Lin, H. (2009): SSSA Annual Meeting
Approaches to Modeling Weathered Regolith in Thermodynamics and Kinetics of Water-Rock Interaction, EH Oelkers and J Schott, (eds),. Brantley, S.L. and White, A.F. (2009): Reviews in Mineralogy and Geochemistry, v. 70, p. 435-484.
Characterizing the Lithologic Controls on Flow in the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory . Daniels, T. (2009): Bachelor of Science, Pennsylvania State University.
The Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory for Embedded Sensing and Simulation (Invited). Duffy, C. (2009): Interagency Steering Committee on Multimedia Environmental Models Workshop,
The age of recharge in mountain-front flow systems (Invited). Duffy, C. (2009): AGU Chapman Conference
Susquehanna/Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: Annual Report to National Science Foundation. Duffy, C. and Brantley, S.L. (2009): NSF Award # 0725019
A framework for predicting spatial patterns of soil moisture dynamics at the catchment scale. Graham, C.B., Lin, H. (2009): AGU Annual Fall Conference Proceedings
Pressure vs particle velocities from the pedon to the hillslope scale. Graham, C.B., Lin, H., McDonnell, J. (2009): SSSA Annual Meeting
Impact of aeolian deposition on Mn cycling in soils. Herndon E.M., Jin L., and Brantley S.L., (2009): 19th V.M. Goldschmidt conference, Davos, Switzerland.
High-intensity soil survey and hydropedologic functional map units . Indorante, S.J., Doolittle, J.A., Lin, H.S., Wilson, M.A. , and Lee, B.D. (2009): Soil Survey Horizons 50:79-82.
Interaction between nutrient dynamics and chemical weathering at Shale Hills catchment, a Critical Zone Observatory in Pennsylvania, USA. Jin, L., Andrews, D., Kaiser, N., Kaye, J., Lin, H., and Brantley, S. L. (2009): GSA Annual Fall Meeting
Characterizing weathering fronts of shales by small angle neutron scattering: pores and interconnectivity. Jin, L., Rother, G., Cole, D., and Brantley, S. L., (2009): American Chemical Society annual meeting, Washington DC.
Solute transport in shale and shale-derived soils at the Shale Hills CZO. Kuntz, B., Singha, K. (2009): AGU Annual Fall Conference Proceedings
Exploring Lithologic Controls on Solute Transport at the Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory. Singha, K., Kuntz, B., Toran, L. (2009): AGU Annual Fall Conference Proceedings
Static and Dynamic Controls of Soil Moisture Variability in the Shale Hills Catchment. Takagi, K. (2009): Master of Science, Soil Science, The Pennsylvania State University, p. 68
Combining time-lapsed GPR and real-time soil moisture monitoring to detect subsurface lateral flow. Zhang, J., Lin, H., Doolittle, J. (2009): SSSA Annual Meeting