Last week, NCALM, NSF’s National Center for Airborne Laser Mapping completed an airborne laser mapping flight over the Susquehanna/Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory. The area flown was ~200 km2 for the purpose of a leaf-on survey of the Shaver Creek watershed which includes the Shale Hills catchment. The goal of the survey is to identify tree species distribution, leaf area and abundance over the watershed. Extensive ground-based validation sites were surveyed during the campaign in conjunction with LiDAR survey. This most recent fly-over will provide high-resolution imagery at the 0.5 m scale. Data collected from this flight will be available for use in conjunction with maps of the regional geology, soils, instrumentation site surveys and PASDA (the Pennsylvania Spatial Data Access). An interactive version is currently under development with accessibility from this website in the future.
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