ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×

Leonard et al., 2010


Data-intensive hydrologic modeling: A Cloud strategy for integrating PIHM, GIS, and Web-Services

Leonard, L.N., Duffy, C., Bhatt, G. (2010)
AGU Annual Fall Conference Proceedings  


The Penn State Integrated Hydrologic Model (PIHM) is an open-sourced fully coupled multi-process hydrologic model. This research is developing PIHM in a Cloud environment. We have transformed the model development process into a web-service workflow to simplify the complexity of pre-processing large data sets and model visualization. Users are now able to automatically generate PIHM input files from national databases by either selecting a hydrologic unit code or defining a boundary extent using a web application. Incorporated into the web-services are tools to generate model parameters/inputs from land-cover, soil, geology and forcing data (e.g. pedotransfer functions). This on-line service is presently available for the state of Pennsylvania and we intend to implement this workflow nationally. We are also introducing ArcPIHM as a toolbox for use with ESRI products to integrate PIHM into other models for GIS analysts and managers. The prototype for the model and web services is the Susquehanna/Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory, with a real-time wireless sensor network assimilated by our web services for model calibration and real-time simulation.


Leonard, L.N., Duffy, C., Bhatt, G. (2010): Data-intensive hydrologic modeling: A Cloud strategy for integrating PIHM, GIS, and Web-Services. AGU Annual Fall Conference Proceedings.

This Paper/Book acknowledges NSF CZO grant support.
