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Shale Hills Lawrence Berkley National Lab
Water-rock interaction
Expanding the role of reactive transport models in critical zone processes. Li Li, Kate Maher, Alexis Navarre-Sitchler, Jenny Druhan, Christof Meile, Corey Lawrence, Joel Moore, Julia Perdrial, Pamela Sullivan, Aaron Thompson, Lixin Jin, Edward W. Bolton, Susan L. Brantley, William E. Dietrich, K. Ulrich Mayer, Carl I. Steefel, Albert Valocchi, John Zachara, Benjamin Kocar, Jennifer Mcintosh, Benjamin M. Tutolo, Mukesh Kumar, Eric Sonnenthal, Chen Bao, Joe Beisman (2017): Earth-Science Reviews, 165:280-301 Cross-CZO
Papers and books that explicitly acknowledge a CZO grant are highlighted in PALE ORANGE.
Understanding Contrasting Concentration-discharge (CQ) Behaviors in a Seasonally Snow-covered Watershed. Wei Zhi*, Li Li, Jason P Kaye, Wenming Dong, Wendy Brown, Carl I Steefel, Kenneth Hurst Williams (2018): Abstract EP11C-2077 presented at 2018 AGU Fall Meeting, Washington, D.C., 10-14 Dec
Reactive Transport Modelling of Mineral Evolution in the Biosphere 2 Hillslope Experiment. Wu R., Niu G-Y., Steefel C., Paniconi C., Chorover J., Dontsova K., Troch P. (2014): Abstract H53A-0843 presented at 2014 Fall Meeting, AGU, San Francisco, CA, 15-19 Dec. Cross-CZO