ARCHIVED CONTENT: In December 2020, the CZO program was succeeded by the Critical Zone Collaborative Network (CZ Net) ×

Wales, UK

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The Wales transect site is located near Llanidloes, Wales, United Kingdom. The sampling site is within the Hafren Forest at an elevation of 1352 ft. The forest is a 4,000 ha area actively logged by the Forestry Commission and used for recreation. Historical uses include copper and lead mining and sheep grazing in some parts of the watershed. The source of the River Severn, which terminates near Bristol, UK, is found at the top of the watershed, not far from Pumlumon, the highest mountain in mid-Wales. The watershed has been extensively monitored by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology for 40 years and is commonly referred to as Plynlimon. Sitka Spruce is the dominant vegetation and the underlying shale is called the Gwestyn Formation, which is equivalent to the Rose Hill Shale but has undergone some regional metamorphism. The climate is cold and very wet, with 60% of rain falling between October and March; air frost has been recorded in every month. Mean annual precipitation is 250 cm and mean annual temperature is 7.2 °C.

7.2 °C   Temp

2500 mm   Precip

Parent Field Area:
Shale Transect ▲

Sitka Spruce is the dominant vegetation and the underlying shale is called the Gwestyn Formation.

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  • Setting & Research

    The Wales transect site is located near Llanidloes, Wales, United Kingdom. The sampling site is within the Hafren Forest at an elevation of 1352 ft. The forest is a 4,000 ha area actively logged by the Forestry Commission and used for recreation. Historical uses include copper and lead mining and sheep grazing in some parts of the watershed.

    Ashlee Dere (Penn State) collecting a bulk density core.

    The source of the River Severn, which terminates near Bristol, UK, is found at the top of the watershed, not far from Pumlumon, the highest mountain in mid-Wales. The watershed has been extensively monitored by the Centre for Ecology and Hydrology for 40 years and is commonly referred to as Plynlimon. Sitka Spruce is the dominant vegetation and the underlying shale is called the Gwestyn Formation, which is equivalent to the Rose Hill Shale but has undergone some regional metamorphism. The climate is cold and very wet, with 60% of rain falling between October and March; air frost has been recorded in every month. Mean annual precipitation is 250 cm and mean annual temperature is 7.2 °C. The site is located at 52.47360 latitude and -03.69292 longitude.

    Ashlee Dere (Penn State) collecting a bulk density core.

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    Shale Transect Site - Wales, UK
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  • Climate

    7.2 °C Mean Annual Temp
    2500 mm Mean Annual Precipitation

    The climate is cold and very wet, with 60% of rain falling between October and March; air frost has been recorded in every month. Mean annual precipitation is 250 cm and mean annual temperature is 7.2 °C.
