The Tennessee transect site is located in Big Ridge State Park, near Maynardville, TN, about 25 miles from the University of Tennessee campus in Knoxville. The 3,687 acre park surrounds the Norris Lake Reservoir. The sampling site is located on the tallest ridge, at an elevation of 1444 ft; the Smoky Mountains can be seen in the distance. The site is in the lower 10m of the Rose Hill Shale Formation, adjacent to the Tuscarora Sandstone Formation, which is exposed on the ridge. Winters are mild, with occasional snow, and summers are warm and humid. Mean annual precipitation is 122 cm and mean annual temperature is 14.2 °C. The site is located 36.27357 latitude and -83.91348 longitude.
14.2 °C Temp
1220 mm Precip
Parent Field Area:
Shale Transect ▲
Karen Lease (U. of Tenn), Greg Carlson (U. of Tenn), and Nikki West (Penn State) work to set up the ridge top field site.
The Tennessee transect site is located in Big Ridge State Park, near Maynardville, TN, about 25 miles from the University of Tennessee campus in Knoxville. The 3,687 acre park surrounds the Norris Lake Reservoir.
The sampling site is located on the tallest ridge, at an elevation of 1444 ft; the Smoky Mountains can be seen in the distance. The site is in the lower 10m of the Rose Hill Shale Formation, adjacent to the Tuscarora Sandstone Formation, which is exposed on the ridge. Winters are mild, with occasional snow, and summers are warm and humid. Mean annual precipitation is 122 cm and mean annual temperature is 14.2 °C.Nikki West and Karen Lease survey the site for map coordinates and elevation.
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Tim White (Penn State, far right) explains the process of tree throw to NSF REU students on the hike to the TN transect site.
Jonathan Moskal (Univ. of Tennessee) performs maintenance on the weather station at Big Ridge State Park
Soil pit
Eric Heider (Univ. of Tennessee) shows Mattie Friday (Univ. of Tennessee) how to download data from the TN weather station.
(L to R) Eric Heider (Univ. of Tennessee) , Mattie Friday (Univ. of Tennessee) and Doug Dere recover buried shale chips from the ridgetop soil pit in TN.
Tim White (Penn State) hikes to the TN transect site during a snowstorm.
(L to R) Ashlee Dere (Penn State), Mattie Friday (Univ. of Tennessee), Larry McKay (Univ. of Tennessee) and Eric Heider (Univ. of Tennessee) complete a day of field work at the TN transect site.