The Puerto Rico transect site is located on private property off Rt. 111 between Juncal and Lares, Puerto Rico, about 30 miles northeast of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. The site is located on the San Sebastian formation, an Oligocene-age shale that is chemically similar to the Silurian-age Rose Hill Shale underlying other transect sites. Site elevation is 1,200 feet and vegetation is tropical, including numerous banana plants and palm trees. Winters are extremely mild and summers are hot and wet. Mean annual precipitation is 210 cm and mean annual temperature is 24.4 °C. The site is located at 18.30083 latitude and -66.90668 longitude.
24.4 °C Temp
2100 mm Precip
Parent Field Area:
Shale Transect ▲
Typical vista of waterfalls near the field site, on the dry side of the island.
The Puerto Rico transect site is located on private property off Rt. 111 between Juncal and Lares, Puerto Rico, about 30 miles northeast of the University of Puerto Rico, Mayaguez. The site is located on the San Sebastian formation, an Oligocene-age shale that is chemically similar to the Silurian-age Rose Hill Shale underlying other transect sites. Site elevation is 1,200 feet and vegetation is tropical, including numerous banana plants and palm trees. Winters are extremely mild and summers are hot and wet. Mean annual precipitation is 210 cm and mean annual temperature is 24.4 °C.
Angel Adames-Corraliza, Jose Morales and Lorena Vazguez use an auger to collect the deep soils.
Tim White and students continue to collect bulk density samples with depth.
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(L to R) Angel Adames-Corraliza (Univ. PR-Mayaguez), Jose Morales (Univ. PR-Mayaguez) and L. Vazguez-Albelo (Univ. PR-Mayaguez) remove a soil sample from the auger at the PR transect site.
Angel Adames-Corraliza (Univ. PR-Mayaguez) provides extra weight to help Ashlee Dere (Penn State) drive the soil auger deeper at the Puerto Rico transect site.
Soil pit
Tim White (Penn State) stands where ridgetop soil samples were collected at the PR transect site.
Lorena Vazguez-Albelo (Univ. PR-Mayaguez) collects a bulk density sample at depth in the PR ridgetop soil pit.
(L to R) Jose Morales (Univ. PR-Mayaguez), Lorena Vazguez-Albelo (Univ. PR-Mayaguez), Angel Adames-Corraliza (Univ. PR-Mayaguez) and Tom Miller (Univ. PR-Mayaguez) dig a soil pit at the PR transect site.
(L to R) Lorena Vazguez-Albelo (Univ. PR-Mayaguez), Angel Adames-Corraliza (Univ. PR-Mayaguez) and Jose Morales (Univ. PR-Mayaguez) work to bury unweathered shale chips at the PR transect site.
Lorena Vazguez-Albelo (Univ. PR-Mayaguez) checks the auger depth while Angel Adames-Corraliza (Univ. PR-Mayaguez) holds the soil auger at the PR transect site.