The New York transect site is located near Paris, New York, in Oneida County, about thirty minutes from Colgate University. Private landowners have generously allowed use of their land for soil sampling and installation of a weather tower. The shale is part of the Clinton Group, which is equivalent to the Rose Hill Shale farther south in Pennsylvania. The site has thick forest cover and a perennial stream; elevation is 719 ft. Winters are harsh and cold and summers are moderate. Mean annual precipitation is 100 cm and mean annual temperature is 8.3 °C.
8.3 °C Temp
1000 mm Precip
Parent Field Area:
Shale Transect ▲
Undergraduates Sarah Lemon and Gary Marshall work with site PI Rich April.
The New York transect site is located near Paris, New York, in Oneida County, about thirty minutes from Colgate University. Private landowners have generously allowed use of their land for soil sampling and installation of a weather tower. The shale is part of the Clinton Group, which is equivalent to the Rose Hill Shale farther south in Pennsylvania. The site has thick forest cover and a perennial stream; elevation is 719 ft. Winters are harsh and cold and summers are moderate. Mean annual precipitation is 100 cm and mean annual temperature is 8.3 °C.
Representative mobile weather station, like this one, was placed at each of the transect sites.
No datasets for this field area have been entered yet
Paul Grieve (Penn State) and Ashlee Dere (Penn State) collect a soil core from the footslope topographic position at Roger’s Glenn.
Rich April (Colgate University) and Ashlee Dere (Penn State) download data and check on the weather station at Roger’s Glenn.
Soil pit
(L to R) Rich April (Colgate Univ.), Lin Ma (Univ. Texas El-Paso) and Di Keller (Colgate Univ.) collect soil porewaters from lysimeters at the New York transect site.
Rich April (Colgate University) and Sue Brantley (Penn State) at the stream in Roger’s Glenn.
Sarah Lemon (Colgate Univ.) and Gary Marshall sample bulk density at the NY transect site.
Di Keller (Colgate Univ.) checks the weather station at New York transect site in winter.