Moving Toward Quantifying Heterogeneity Controls on Flow and Transport at the Shale Hills CZO
301 Steidle Building.
CZO Summer Field Course
SSHCZO and CZO Shale Transect sites in NY, VA, TN, and AL.
Using Deuterium and Oxygen-18 to determine the flowpaths and timescales of water at the Susquehanna Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
Sackett Building Room 213.
Water chemistry reflects hydrological controls on weathering at Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory
301 Steidle Building.
Catchment-Scale Soil Water Retention Characteristics and Delineation of Hydropedological Functional Units at Shale Hills
Ag Sciences and Industries Building (ASI) Room 324.
Geomorphic and stratigraphic archives of hillslope erosion in the Shale Hills CZO
301 Steidle Building.
The Susquehanna/Shale Hills Critical Zone Observatory: A Earth-System testbed for process and prediction